

The BinHelpers class contains static methods used to aid in byte and streaming operations.


Class Methods


Converts the given byte array to a boolean.


class method booleanFromBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Boolean


static Boolean booleanFromBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_INT32 to create boolean from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_INT32, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given boolean to a byte array


class method booleanToBuffer(aValue: Boolean): array of SByte


static SByte[] booleanToBuffer(Boolean aValue)


  • aValue: Given boolean value to create a byte array from


Converts the given byte array to a byte.


class method byteFromBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): SByte


static SByte byteFromBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_BYTE to create byte from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_BYTE, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given byte to a byte array.


class method byteToBuffer(aValue: SByte): array of SByte


static SByte[] byteToBuffer(SByte aValue)


  • aValue: Given byte value to create a byte array from



class method copyOf(aSource: array of SByte; aLength: Integer): array of SByte


static SByte[] copyOf(SByte[] aSource, Integer aLength)


  • aSource:
  • aLength:



class method copyOfRange(aSource: array of SByte; aStart: Integer; aEnd: Integer): array of SByte


static SByte[] copyOfRange(SByte[] aSource, Integer aStart, Integer aEnd)


  • aSource:
  • aStart:
  • aEnd:


Converts the given BE byte array to a decimal.


class method currencyFromBigEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): BigDecimal


static BigDecimal currencyFromBigEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with SIZE_CURRENCY size to create currency from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_CURRENCY, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given LE byte array to a decimal.


class method currencyFromLittleEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): BigDecimal


static BigDecimal currencyFromLittleEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with SIZE_CURRENCY size to create currency from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_CURRENCY, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given BigDecimal to a BE byte array.


class method currencyToBigEndianBuffer(aValue: BigDecimal): array of SByte


static SByte[] currencyToBigEndianBuffer(BigDecimal aValue)


  • aValue: BigDecimal value to convert to a BE byte array.


Converts the given BigDecimal to a LE byte array.


class method currencyToLittleEndianBuffer(aValue: BigDecimal): array of SByte


static SByte[] currencyToLittleEndianBuffer(BigDecimal aValue)


  • aValue: BigDecimal value to convert to a LE byte array.


Converts the given LE byte array to a BigDecimal.


class method decimalFromLittleEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): BigDecimal


static BigDecimal decimalFromLittleEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with SIZE_DECIMAL size to create currency from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_DECIMAL an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given BigDecimal to a LE byte array.


class method decimalToLittleEndianBuffer(aValue: BigDecimal): array of SByte


static SByte[] decimalToLittleEndianBuffer(BigDecimal aValue)


  • aValue: BigDecimal value to convert to a LE byte array.


Converts a double to a Date where the value of the given double represents the number of days that have passed since December 30th 1899 and the fractional part of the double represents a fraction of a 24 hour day.


class method delphiDateToJavaDate(aValue: Double): Date


static Date delphiDateToJavaDate(Double aValue)


  • aValue: Double value, which represents date and time in Delphi, to get Date from.


Converts the given BE byte array to a double.


class method doubleFromBigEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Double


static Double doubleFromBigEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_DOUBLE to create double from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_SIZE_DOUBLE, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given LE byte array to a double.


class method doubleFromLittleEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Double


static Double doubleFromLittleEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_DOUBLE to create double from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_SIZE_DOUBLE, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given double to a BE byte array.


class method doubleToBigEndianBuffer(aValue: Double): array of SByte


static SByte[] doubleToBigEndianBuffer(Double aValue)


  • aValue: Given double value to create a BE byte array from.


Converts the given double to a LE byte array.


class method doubleToLittleEndianBuffer(aValue: Double): array of SByte


static SByte[] doubleToLittleEndianBuffer(Double aValue)


  • aValue: Given double value to create a LE byte array from.


Converts the given BE byte array to a short.


class method int16FromBigEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): SmallInt


static SmallInt int16FromBigEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_INT16 to create short from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_INT16, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given LE byte array to a short.


class method int16FromLittleEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): SmallInt


static SmallInt int16FromLittleEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_INT16 to create short from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_INT16, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given short to a BE byte array.


class method int16ToBigEndianBuffer(aValue: SmallInt): array of SByte


static SByte[] int16ToBigEndianBuffer(SmallInt aValue)


  • aValue: Given short value to create a BE byte array from


Converts the given short to a LE byte array.


class method int16ToLittleEndianBuffer(aValue: SmallInt): array of SByte


static SByte[] int16ToLittleEndianBuffer(SmallInt aValue)


  • aValue: Given short value to create a LE byte array from.


Converts the given BE byte array to an int.


class method int32FromBigEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Integer


static Integer int32FromBigEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_INT32 to create int from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_INT32, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given LE byte array to an int.


class method int32FromLittleEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Integer


static Integer int32FromLittleEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_INT32 to create int from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_INT32, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given int to a BE byte array.


class method int32ToBigEndianBuffer(aValue: Integer): array of SByte


static SByte[] int32ToBigEndianBuffer(Integer aValue)


  • aValue: Given int value to create a BE byte array from.


Converts the given int to a LE byte array.


class method int32ToLittleEndianBuffer(aValue: Integer): array of SByte


static SByte[] int32ToLittleEndianBuffer(Integer aValue)


  • aValue: Given int value to create a LE byte array from.


Converts the given BE byte array to a long.


class method int64FromBigEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Int64


static Int64 int64FromBigEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_INT64 to create long from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_INT64, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given lE byte array to a long.


class method int64FromLittleEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Int64


static Int64 int64FromLittleEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_INT64 to create long from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_INT64, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given long to a BE byte array.


class method int64ToBigEndianBuffer(aValue: Int64): array of SByte


static SByte[] int64ToBigEndianBuffer(Int64 aValue)


  • aValue: Given long value to create a BE byte array from.


Converts the given long to a LE byte array.


class method int64ToLittleEndianBuffer(aValue: Int64): array of SByte


static SByte[] int64ToLittleEndianBuffer(Int64 aValue)


  • aValue: Given long value to create a LE byte array from.


Class method that just raises Exception with message "BinHelpers : Invalid buffer size passed". Raises on attempt converting byte array to value with wrong size. This exception indicates that message was broken.


class method invalidBufferSize


static void invalidBufferSize()


Converts a Date to a double where the value represents the number of days that have passed since December 30th 1899 and the fractional part of the double represents a fraction of a 24 hour day.


class method javaDateToDelphiDate(aValue: Date): Double


static Double javaDateToDelphiDate(Date aValue)


  • aValue: Date value to convert to Delphi date representation.


Converts the given BE byte array to a float.


class method singleFromBigEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Single


static Single singleFromBigEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_SINGLE to create float from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_SINGLE, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given LE byte array to a float.


class method singleFromLittleEndianBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): Single


static Single singleFromLittleEndianBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_SINGLE to create float from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_SINGLE, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given float to a BE byte array.


class method singleToBigEndianBuffer(aValue: Single): array of SByte


static SByte[] singleToBigEndianBuffer(Single aValue)


  • aValue: Given float value to create a BE byte array from.


Converts the given float to a LE byte array.


class method singleToLittleEndianBuffer(aValue: Single): array of SByte


static SByte[] singleToLittleEndianBuffer(Single aValue)


  • aValue: Given float value to create a LE byte array from.


Treats the given byte array as containing an 8 bit ANSI String and converts it to a string variable using the Charset property from Proxy class.


class method stringFromAnsiStringBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): String


static String stringFromAnsiStringBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Incoming bytes buffer.


Treats the given byte array as containing a 16 bit unicode WideString and converts it to a string variable.


class method stringFromUtf8StringBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): String


static String stringFromUtf8StringBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Incoming bytes buffer.


Treats the given byte array as containing a UTF-8 encoded string and converts it to a string variable.


class method stringFromWideStringBuffer(aBuffer: array of SByte): String


static String stringFromWideStringBuffer(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Incoming bytes buffer.


Converts the given String to a byte array in 8 bit ANSI format, using the Charset property from Proxy class..


class method stringToAnsiStringBuffer(aValue: String): array of SByte


static SByte[] stringToAnsiStringBuffer(String aValue)


  • aValue: Incoming string.


Converts the given String to a byte array in UTF-8 format.


class method stringToUtf8StringBuffer(aValue: String): array of SByte


static SByte[] stringToUtf8StringBuffer(String aValue)


  • aValue: Incoming string.


Converts the given String to a byte array in WideString format.


class method stringToWideStringBuffer(aValue: String): array of SByte


static SByte[] stringToWideStringBuffer(String aValue)


  • aValue: Incoming string.


Class method that just raises Exception with message "BinMessage : Invalid binary length read from stream" Raises on attempt reading bytes buffer with size more than whole message size. This exception indicates that message was broken.


class method unexpectedBinaryLength


static void unexpectedBinaryLength()


Class method that just raises Exception with message "BinMessage : Unexpected end of stream" Raises on attempt reading message with length less than binary header size. This exception indicates that message was broken.


class method unexpectedEndOfStream


static void unexpectedEndOfStream()


Class method that just raises Exception with message "BinMessage : Invalid string length read from stream" Raises on attempt reading string with length more than whole message size. This exception indicates that message was broken.


class method unexpectedStringLength


static void unexpectedStringLength()


Converts the given byte array to a UUID.


class method uuidFromByteArray(aBuffer: array of SByte): UUID


static UUID uuidFromByteArray(SByte[] aBuffer)


  • aBuffer: Byte array with a size that equals SIZE_UUID to create UUID from. If the array size is not equal to SIZE_UUID, an exception will be thrown.


Converts the given UUID to a byte array.


class method uuidToByteArray(aUUID: UUID): array of SByte


static SByte[] uuidToByteArray(UUID aUUID)


  • aUUID: Given UUID value to create a byte array from.


  • BinHelpers Class: