



CanRemapParameters    (declared in IMessage)


method CanRemapParameters: Boolean


Boolean CanRemapParameters()


Function CanRemapParameters() As Boolean

Clear    (declared in IMessage)

Clear the contents of the message.


method Clear


void Clear()


Sub Clear()

ClearAttributes    (declared in IMessage)

Clears internally set serializer options based on the attribute values and/or HTTP headers.


method ClearAttributes(channel: IChannel)


void ClearAttributes(IChannel channel)


Sub ClearAttributes(channel As IChannel)


  • channel: Communication channel

ClientID    (declared in IMessage)

Provides access to the ClientID read from the message.


property ClientID: Guid read write;


Guid ClientID { get; set; }


Property ClientID() As Guid

Clone    (declared in IMessage)

Creates and returns an identical copy of the message.


method Clone: IMessage


IMessage Clone()


Function Clone() As IMessage



property ContentDisposition: String read;


String ContentDisposition { get; }


ReadOnly Property ContentDisposition() As String

ContentType    (declared in IMessage)

Gets message's content type.


property ContentType: String read;


String ContentType { get; }


ReadOnly Property ContentType() As String

DefaultDispatcherName    (declared in IMessage)

Returns the default/recommended dispatcher name for the message type.


property DefaultDispatcherName: String read;


String DefaultDispatcherName { get; }


ReadOnly Property DefaultDispatcherName() As String

FinalizeMessage    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to ensure that the message content is complete before sending it by doing any final processing necessary.

This method is called after all Parameters have been written to a Message and before the message will be sent. It should perform any necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream() will produce a complete message.


method FinalizeMessage


void FinalizeMessage()


Sub FinalizeMessage()

FinalizeRequest    (declared in IMessage)

Finalizes the data request serialization.


method FinalizeRequest(channel: IRequest)


void FinalizeRequest(IRequest channel)


Sub FinalizeRequest(channel As IRequest)


  • channel: Communication channel

GetStream    (declared in IMessage)

Creates a new stream with the content of the message.


method GetStream: Stream


Stream GetStream()


Function GetStream() As Stream



property HttpStatusCode: Int32 read;


Int32 HttpStatusCode { get; }


ReadOnly Property HttpStatusCode() As Int32

InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

This method should be implemented by the Message components to initialize an Event message.


method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed

InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes new event message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • libraryName: RODL library name
  • interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed

InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, Exception)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes new exception message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; e: Exception)


void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception e)


Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, e As Exception)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
  • interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
  • e: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application

InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, Exception)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes new exception message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; e: Exception)


void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception e)


Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, e As Exception)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
  • libraryName: RODL library name
  • interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
  • e: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application

InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, MessageType)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes message of requested type for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)


void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)


Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)


  • channel: Communication channel
  • interfaceName: Interface name
  • messageName: Message name
  • messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)

InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, MessageType)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes message of requested type for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)


void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)


Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)


  • channel: Communication channel
  • libraryName: Library name
  • interfaceName: Interface name
  • messageName: Message name
  • messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)

InitializeMessageEx    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes message of requested type on channel channel.


method InitializeMessageEx(channel: IChannel; messageType: MessageType)


void InitializeMessageEx(IChannel channel, MessageType messageType)


Sub InitializeMessageEx(channel As IChannel, messageType As MessageType)


  • channel: Communication channel
  • messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)

InitializeRead    (declared in IMessage)


method InitializeRead(channel: IChannel)


void InitializeRead(IChannel channel)


Sub InitializeRead(channel As IChannel)


  • channel: Communication channnel

InitializeRequest    (declared in IMessage)

Sets additional options of the communication channel and data serializer.


method InitializeRequest(channel: IRequest)


void InitializeRequest(IRequest channel)


Sub InitializeRequest(channel As IRequest)


  • channel: Communication channnel

InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented by the Message components to initialize a Request message.


method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)


method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • libraryName:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented by the Message components to initialize a Response message.


method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)


method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • libraryName:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

InterfaceName    (declared in IMessage)

Contains the name of the interface or service that is to be or was called on the server.


property InterfaceName: String read;


String InterfaceName { get; }


ReadOnly Property InterfaceName() As String



property IsEmpty: Boolean read;


Boolean IsEmpty { get; }


ReadOnly Property IsEmpty() As Boolean

MessageName    (declared in IMessage)

Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method name) that is to be or was called on the server.


property MessageName: String read;


String MessageName { get; }


ReadOnly Property MessageName() As String

MessageType    (declared in IMessage)

Contains the Type of message represented by the message instance.


property MessageType: MessageType read;


MessageType MessageType { get; }


ReadOnly Property MessageType() As MessageType

Read    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read an object of the given type from the message.

Note: Several overloads are provided for value types to avoid the boxing/unboxing that would occur if these were serialized via the generic Read/Write methods.


method Read(name: String; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat): Object


Object Read(String name, Type type, StreamingFormat format)


Function Read(name As String, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat) As Object


  • name:
  • type:
  • format:

ReadAnsiString    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read an ANSI String value from the message.


method ReadAnsiString(name: String): String


String ReadAnsiString(String name)


Function ReadAnsiString(name As String) As String


  • name:

ReadBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadBoolean(name: String): Boolean


Boolean ReadBoolean(String name)


Function ReadBoolean(name As String) As Boolean


  • name:

ReadCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadCurrency(name: String): Decimal


Decimal ReadCurrency(String name)


Function ReadCurrency(name As String) As Decimal


  • name:

ReadDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadDateTime(name: String): DateTime


DateTime ReadDateTime(String name)


Function ReadDateTime(name As String) As DateTime


  • name:

ReadDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadDecimal(name: String): Decimal


Decimal ReadDecimal(String name)


Function ReadDecimal(name As String) As Decimal


  • name:

ReadDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadDouble(name: String): Double


Double ReadDouble(String name)


Function ReadDouble(name As String) As Double


  • name:

ReadEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadEnum(name: String; type: Type): Enum


Enum ReadEnum(String name, Type type)


Function ReadEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum


  • name:
  • type:

ReadException    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadException: Exception


Exception ReadException()


Function ReadException() As Exception

ReadFromStream    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read the contents of the message from the given stream.


method ReadFromStream(stream: Stream)


void ReadFromStream(Stream stream)


Sub ReadFromStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream:

ReadGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadGuid(name: String): Guid


Guid ReadGuid(String name)


Function ReadGuid(name As String) As Guid


  • name:

ReadInt32    (declared in IMessage)

Reads Int32 value.


method ReadInt32(name: String): Int32


Int32 ReadInt32(String name)


Function ReadInt32(name As String) As Int32


  • name:

ReadInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadInt64(name: String): Int64


Int64 ReadInt64(String name)


Function ReadInt64(name As String) As Int64


  • name:

ReadNullableBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableBoolean(name: String): nullable Boolean


Boolean? ReadNullableBoolean(String name)


Function ReadNullableBoolean(name As String) As Boolean?


  • name:

ReadNullableCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableCurrency(name: String): nullable Decimal


Decimal? ReadNullableCurrency(String name)


Function ReadNullableCurrency(name As String) As Decimal?


  • name:

ReadNullableDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableDateTime(name: String): nullable DateTime


DateTime? ReadNullableDateTime(String name)


Function ReadNullableDateTime(name As String) As DateTime?


  • name:

ReadNullableDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableDecimal(name: String): nullable Decimal


Decimal? ReadNullableDecimal(String name)


Function ReadNullableDecimal(name As String) As Decimal?


  • name:

ReadNullableDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableDouble(name: String): nullable Double


Double? ReadNullableDouble(String name)


Function ReadNullableDouble(name As String) As Double?


  • name:

ReadNullableEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableEnum(name: String; type: Type): nullable Enum


Enum? ReadNullableEnum(String name, Type type)


Function ReadNullableEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum?


  • name:
  • type:

ReadNullableGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableGuid(name: String): nullable Guid


Guid? ReadNullableGuid(String name)


Function ReadNullableGuid(name As String) As Guid?


  • name:

ReadNullableInt32    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableInt32(name: String): nullable Int32


Int32? ReadNullableInt32(String name)


Function ReadNullableInt32(name As String) As Int32?


  • name:

ReadNullableInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableInt64(name: String): nullable Int64


Int64? ReadNullableInt64(String name)


Function ReadNullableInt64(name As String) As Int64?


  • name:

ReadUtf8String    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadUtf8String(name: String): String


String ReadUtf8String(String name)


Function ReadUtf8String(name As String) As String


  • name:

ReadVariant    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadVariant(name: String): Object


Object ReadVariant(String name)


Function ReadVariant(name As String) As Object


  • name:

ReadWideString    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read a Unicode Wide String value from the message.


method ReadWideString(name: String): String


String ReadWideString(String name)


Function ReadWideString(name As String) As String


  • name:

ReadXml    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadXml(name: String): XmlNode


XmlNode ReadXml(String name)


Function ReadXml(name As String) As XmlNode


  • name:

RemapParameters    (declared in IMessage)


method RemapParameters(parameters: array of String)


void RemapParameters(String[] parameters)


Sub RemapParameters(parameters As String())


  • parameters:

SerializerInstance    (declared in IMessage)


property SerializerInstance: Serializer read;


Serializer SerializerInstance { get; }


ReadOnly Property SerializerInstance() As Serializer

SetAttributes    (declared in IMessage)


method SetAttributes(channel: IChannel; names: array of String; values: array of String)


void SetAttributes(IChannel channel, String[] names, String[] values)


Sub SetAttributes(channel As IChannel, names As String(), values As String())


  • channel:
  • names:
  • values:

Validate    (declared in IMessage)


method Validate(content: String): Boolean


Boolean Validate(String content)


Function Validate(content As String) As Boolean


  • content:

Write    (declared in IMessage)


method Write(name: String; value: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)


void Write(String name, Object value, Type type, StreamingFormat format)


Sub Write(name As String, value As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)


  • name:
  • value:
  • type:
  • format:

WriteAnsiString    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to write an ANSI String value to the message.


method WriteAnsiString(name: String; value: String)


void WriteAnsiString(String name, String value)


Sub WriteAnsiString(name As String, value As String)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteBoolean(name: String; value: Boolean)


void WriteBoolean(String name, Boolean value)


Sub WriteBoolean(name As String, value As Boolean)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteCurrency(name: String; value: Decimal)


void WriteCurrency(String name, Decimal value)


Sub WriteCurrency(name As String, value As Decimal)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteDateTime(name: String; value: DateTime)


void WriteDateTime(String name, DateTime value)


Sub WriteDateTime(name As String, value As DateTime)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteDecimal(name: String; value: Decimal)


void WriteDecimal(String name, Decimal value)


Sub WriteDecimal(name As String, value As Decimal)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteDouble(name: String; value: Double)


void WriteDouble(String name, Double value)


Sub WriteDouble(name As String, value As Double)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteEnum(name: String; value: Enum)


void WriteEnum(String name, Enum value)


Sub WriteEnum(name As String, value As Enum)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteException    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteException(exception: Exception)


void WriteException(Exception exception)


Sub WriteException(exception As Exception)


  • exception:

WriteGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteGuid(name: String; value: Guid)


void WriteGuid(String name, Guid value)


Sub WriteGuid(name As String, value As Guid)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteInt32    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteInt32(name: String; value: Int32)


void WriteInt32(String name, Int32 value)


Sub WriteInt32(name As String, value As Int32)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteInt64(name: String; value: Int64)


void WriteInt64(String name, Int64 value)


Sub WriteInt64(name As String, value As Int64)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableBoolean(name: String; value: Nullable<Boolean>)


void WriteNullableBoolean(String name, Nullable<Boolean> value)


Sub WriteNullableBoolean(name As String, value As Nullable<Boolean>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableCurrency(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)


void WriteNullableCurrency(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)


Sub WriteNullableCurrency(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableDateTime(name: String; value: Nullable<DateTime>)


void WriteNullableDateTime(String name, Nullable<DateTime> value)


Sub WriteNullableDateTime(name As String, value As Nullable<DateTime>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableDecimal(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)


void WriteNullableDecimal(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)


Sub WriteNullableDecimal(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableDouble(name: String; value: Nullable<Double>)


void WriteNullableDouble(String name, Nullable<Double> value)


Sub WriteNullableDouble(name As String, value As Nullable<Double>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableEnum(name: String; value: nullable Enum)


void WriteNullableEnum(String name, Enum? value)


Sub WriteNullableEnum(name As String, value As Enum?)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableGuid(name: String; value: Nullable<Guid>)


void WriteNullableGuid(String name, Nullable<Guid> value)


Sub WriteNullableGuid(name As String, value As Nullable<Guid>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableInt32    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableInt32(name: String; value: Nullable<Int32>)


void WriteNullableInt32(String name, Nullable<Int32> value)


Sub WriteNullableInt32(name As String, value As Nullable<Int32>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableInt64(name: String; value: Nullable<Int64>)


void WriteNullableInt64(String name, Nullable<Int64> value)


Sub WriteNullableInt64(name As String, value As Nullable<Int64>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteToStream    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteToStream(stream: Stream)


void WriteToStream(Stream stream)


Sub WriteToStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream:

WriteUtf8String    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteUtf8String(name: String; value: String)


void WriteUtf8String(String name, String value)


Sub WriteUtf8String(name As String, value As String)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteVariant    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteVariant(name: String; value: Object)


void WriteVariant(String name, Object value)


Sub WriteVariant(name As String, value As Object)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteWideString    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteWideString(name: String; value: String)


void WriteWideString(String name, String value)


Sub WriteWideString(name As String, value As String)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteXml    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteXml(name: String; value: XmlNode)


void WriteXml(String name, XmlNode value)


Sub WriteXml(name As String, value As XmlNode)


  • name:
  • value:


ClientID    (declared in IMessage)

Provides access to the ClientID read from the message.


property ClientID: Guid read write;


Guid ClientID { get; set; }


Property ClientID() As Guid



property ContentDisposition: String read;


String ContentDisposition { get; }


ReadOnly Property ContentDisposition() As String

ContentType    (declared in IMessage)

Gets message's content type.


property ContentType: String read;


String ContentType { get; }


ReadOnly Property ContentType() As String

DefaultDispatcherName    (declared in IMessage)

Returns the default/recommended dispatcher name for the message type.


property DefaultDispatcherName: String read;


String DefaultDispatcherName { get; }


ReadOnly Property DefaultDispatcherName() As String



property HttpStatusCode: Int32 read;


Int32 HttpStatusCode { get; }


ReadOnly Property HttpStatusCode() As Int32

InterfaceName    (declared in IMessage)

Contains the name of the interface or service that is to be or was called on the server.


property InterfaceName: String read;


String InterfaceName { get; }


ReadOnly Property InterfaceName() As String



property IsEmpty: Boolean read;


Boolean IsEmpty { get; }


ReadOnly Property IsEmpty() As Boolean

MessageName    (declared in IMessage)

Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method name) that is to be or was called on the server.


property MessageName: String read;


String MessageName { get; }


ReadOnly Property MessageName() As String

MessageType    (declared in IMessage)

Contains the Type of message represented by the message instance.


property MessageType: MessageType read;


MessageType MessageType { get; }


ReadOnly Property MessageType() As MessageType

SerializerInstance    (declared in IMessage)


property SerializerInstance: Serializer read;


Serializer SerializerInstance { get; }


ReadOnly Property SerializerInstance() As Serializer


CanRemapParameters    (declared in IMessage)


method CanRemapParameters: Boolean


Boolean CanRemapParameters()


Function CanRemapParameters() As Boolean

Clear    (declared in IMessage)

Clear the contents of the message.


method Clear


void Clear()


Sub Clear()

ClearAttributes    (declared in IMessage)

Clears internally set serializer options based on the attribute values and/or HTTP headers.


method ClearAttributes(channel: IChannel)


void ClearAttributes(IChannel channel)


Sub ClearAttributes(channel As IChannel)


  • channel: Communication channel

Clone    (declared in IMessage)

Creates and returns an identical copy of the message.


method Clone: IMessage


IMessage Clone()


Function Clone() As IMessage

FinalizeMessage    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to ensure that the message content is complete before sending it by doing any final processing necessary.

This method is called after all Parameters have been written to a Message and before the message will be sent. It should perform any necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream() will produce a complete message.


method FinalizeMessage


void FinalizeMessage()


Sub FinalizeMessage()

FinalizeRequest    (declared in IMessage)

Finalizes the data request serialization.


method FinalizeRequest(channel: IRequest)


void FinalizeRequest(IRequest channel)


Sub FinalizeRequest(channel As IRequest)


  • channel: Communication channel

GetStream    (declared in IMessage)

Creates a new stream with the content of the message.


method GetStream: Stream


Stream GetStream()


Function GetStream() As Stream

InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

This method should be implemented by the Message components to initialize an Event message.


method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed

InitializeEventMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes new event message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeEventMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeEventMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeEventMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • libraryName: RODL library name
  • interfaceName: Communication channel that will be used to send the event message
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed

InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, Exception)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes new exception message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; e: Exception)


void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception e)


Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, e As Exception)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
  • interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
  • e: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application

InitializeExceptionMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, Exception)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes new exception message for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeExceptionMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; e: Exception)


void InitializeExceptionMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, Exception e)


Sub InitializeExceptionMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, e As Exception)


  • channel: Communication channel that will be used to send the exception message
  • libraryName: RODL library name
  • interfaceName: A name of the interface (i.e. the service).
  • messageName: Message name. Corresponds to the name of the service method being executed
  • e: Exception that should be serialized and sent to the client application

InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, MessageType)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes message of requested type for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)


void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)


Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)


  • channel: Communication channel
  • interfaceName: Interface name
  • messageName: Message name
  • messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)

InitializeMessage (IChannel, String, String, String, MessageType)    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes message of requested type for interface interfaceName with message name messageName on channel channel.


method InitializeMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String; messageType: MessageType)


void InitializeMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName, MessageType messageType)


Sub InitializeMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String, messageType As MessageType)


  • channel: Communication channel
  • libraryName: Library name
  • interfaceName: Interface name
  • messageName: Message name
  • messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)

InitializeMessageEx    (declared in IMessage)

Initializes message of requested type on channel channel.


method InitializeMessageEx(channel: IChannel; messageType: MessageType)


void InitializeMessageEx(IChannel channel, MessageType messageType)


Sub InitializeMessageEx(channel As IChannel, messageType As MessageType)


  • channel: Communication channel
  • messageType: Message type (event, exception etc)

InitializeRead    (declared in IMessage)


method InitializeRead(channel: IChannel)


void InitializeRead(IChannel channel)


Sub InitializeRead(channel As IChannel)


  • channel: Communication channnel

InitializeRequest    (declared in IMessage)

Sets additional options of the communication channel and data serializer.


method InitializeRequest(channel: IRequest)


void InitializeRequest(IRequest channel)


Sub InitializeRequest(channel As IRequest)


  • channel: Communication channnel

InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented by the Message components to initialize a Request message.


method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

InitializeRequestMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)


method InitializeRequestMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeRequestMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeRequestMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • libraryName:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented by the Message components to initialize a Response message.


method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

InitializeResponseMessage (IChannel, String, String, String)    (declared in IMessage)


method InitializeResponseMessage(channel: IChannel; libraryName: String; interfaceName: String; messageName: String)


void InitializeResponseMessage(IChannel channel, String libraryName, String interfaceName, String messageName)


Sub InitializeResponseMessage(channel As IChannel, libraryName As String, interfaceName As String, messageName As String)


  • channel:
  • libraryName:
  • interfaceName:
  • messageName:

Read    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read an object of the given type from the message.

Note: Several overloads are provided for value types to avoid the boxing/unboxing that would occur if these were serialized via the generic Read/Write methods.


method Read(name: String; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat): Object


Object Read(String name, Type type, StreamingFormat format)


Function Read(name As String, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat) As Object


  • name:
  • type:
  • format:

ReadAnsiString    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read an ANSI String value from the message.


method ReadAnsiString(name: String): String


String ReadAnsiString(String name)


Function ReadAnsiString(name As String) As String


  • name:

ReadBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadBoolean(name: String): Boolean


Boolean ReadBoolean(String name)


Function ReadBoolean(name As String) As Boolean


  • name:

ReadCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadCurrency(name: String): Decimal


Decimal ReadCurrency(String name)


Function ReadCurrency(name As String) As Decimal


  • name:

ReadDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadDateTime(name: String): DateTime


DateTime ReadDateTime(String name)


Function ReadDateTime(name As String) As DateTime


  • name:

ReadDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadDecimal(name: String): Decimal


Decimal ReadDecimal(String name)


Function ReadDecimal(name As String) As Decimal


  • name:

ReadDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadDouble(name: String): Double


Double ReadDouble(String name)


Function ReadDouble(name As String) As Double


  • name:

ReadEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadEnum(name: String; type: Type): Enum


Enum ReadEnum(String name, Type type)


Function ReadEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum


  • name:
  • type:

ReadException    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadException: Exception


Exception ReadException()


Function ReadException() As Exception

ReadFromStream    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read the contents of the message from the given stream.


method ReadFromStream(stream: Stream)


void ReadFromStream(Stream stream)


Sub ReadFromStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream:

ReadGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadGuid(name: String): Guid


Guid ReadGuid(String name)


Function ReadGuid(name As String) As Guid


  • name:

ReadInt32    (declared in IMessage)

Reads Int32 value.


method ReadInt32(name: String): Int32


Int32 ReadInt32(String name)


Function ReadInt32(name As String) As Int32


  • name:

ReadInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadInt64(name: String): Int64


Int64 ReadInt64(String name)


Function ReadInt64(name As String) As Int64


  • name:

ReadNullableBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableBoolean(name: String): nullable Boolean


Boolean? ReadNullableBoolean(String name)


Function ReadNullableBoolean(name As String) As Boolean?


  • name:

ReadNullableCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableCurrency(name: String): nullable Decimal


Decimal? ReadNullableCurrency(String name)


Function ReadNullableCurrency(name As String) As Decimal?


  • name:

ReadNullableDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableDateTime(name: String): nullable DateTime


DateTime? ReadNullableDateTime(String name)


Function ReadNullableDateTime(name As String) As DateTime?


  • name:

ReadNullableDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableDecimal(name: String): nullable Decimal


Decimal? ReadNullableDecimal(String name)


Function ReadNullableDecimal(name As String) As Decimal?


  • name:

ReadNullableDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableDouble(name: String): nullable Double


Double? ReadNullableDouble(String name)


Function ReadNullableDouble(name As String) As Double?


  • name:

ReadNullableEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableEnum(name: String; type: Type): nullable Enum


Enum? ReadNullableEnum(String name, Type type)


Function ReadNullableEnum(name As String, type As Type) As Enum?


  • name:
  • type:

ReadNullableGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableGuid(name: String): nullable Guid


Guid? ReadNullableGuid(String name)


Function ReadNullableGuid(name As String) As Guid?


  • name:

ReadNullableInt32    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableInt32(name: String): nullable Int32


Int32? ReadNullableInt32(String name)


Function ReadNullableInt32(name As String) As Int32?


  • name:

ReadNullableInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadNullableInt64(name: String): nullable Int64


Int64? ReadNullableInt64(String name)


Function ReadNullableInt64(name As String) As Int64?


  • name:

ReadUtf8String    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadUtf8String(name: String): String


String ReadUtf8String(String name)


Function ReadUtf8String(name As String) As String


  • name:

ReadVariant    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadVariant(name: String): Object


Object ReadVariant(String name)


Function ReadVariant(name As String) As Object


  • name:

ReadWideString    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to read a Unicode Wide String value from the message.


method ReadWideString(name: String): String


String ReadWideString(String name)


Function ReadWideString(name As String) As String


  • name:

ReadXml    (declared in IMessage)


method ReadXml(name: String): XmlNode


XmlNode ReadXml(String name)


Function ReadXml(name As String) As XmlNode


  • name:

RemapParameters    (declared in IMessage)


method RemapParameters(parameters: array of String)


void RemapParameters(String[] parameters)


Sub RemapParameters(parameters As String())


  • parameters:

SetAttributes    (declared in IMessage)


method SetAttributes(channel: IChannel; names: array of String; values: array of String)


void SetAttributes(IChannel channel, String[] names, String[] values)


Sub SetAttributes(channel As IChannel, names As String(), values As String())


  • channel:
  • names:
  • values:

Validate    (declared in IMessage)


method Validate(content: String): Boolean


Boolean Validate(String content)


Function Validate(content As String) As Boolean


  • content:

Write    (declared in IMessage)


method Write(name: String; value: Object; type: Type; format: StreamingFormat)


void Write(String name, Object value, Type type, StreamingFormat format)


Sub Write(name As String, value As Object, type As Type, format As StreamingFormat)


  • name:
  • value:
  • type:
  • format:

WriteAnsiString    (declared in IMessage)

Should be implemented to write an ANSI String value to the message.


method WriteAnsiString(name: String; value: String)


void WriteAnsiString(String name, String value)


Sub WriteAnsiString(name As String, value As String)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteBoolean(name: String; value: Boolean)


void WriteBoolean(String name, Boolean value)


Sub WriteBoolean(name As String, value As Boolean)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteCurrency(name: String; value: Decimal)


void WriteCurrency(String name, Decimal value)


Sub WriteCurrency(name As String, value As Decimal)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteDateTime(name: String; value: DateTime)


void WriteDateTime(String name, DateTime value)


Sub WriteDateTime(name As String, value As DateTime)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteDecimal(name: String; value: Decimal)


void WriteDecimal(String name, Decimal value)


Sub WriteDecimal(name As String, value As Decimal)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteDouble(name: String; value: Double)


void WriteDouble(String name, Double value)


Sub WriteDouble(name As String, value As Double)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteEnum(name: String; value: Enum)


void WriteEnum(String name, Enum value)


Sub WriteEnum(name As String, value As Enum)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteException    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteException(exception: Exception)


void WriteException(Exception exception)


Sub WriteException(exception As Exception)


  • exception:

WriteGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteGuid(name: String; value: Guid)


void WriteGuid(String name, Guid value)


Sub WriteGuid(name As String, value As Guid)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteInt32    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteInt32(name: String; value: Int32)


void WriteInt32(String name, Int32 value)


Sub WriteInt32(name As String, value As Int32)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteInt64(name: String; value: Int64)


void WriteInt64(String name, Int64 value)


Sub WriteInt64(name As String, value As Int64)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableBoolean    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableBoolean(name: String; value: Nullable<Boolean>)


void WriteNullableBoolean(String name, Nullable<Boolean> value)


Sub WriteNullableBoolean(name As String, value As Nullable<Boolean>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableCurrency    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableCurrency(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)


void WriteNullableCurrency(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)


Sub WriteNullableCurrency(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableDateTime    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableDateTime(name: String; value: Nullable<DateTime>)


void WriteNullableDateTime(String name, Nullable<DateTime> value)


Sub WriteNullableDateTime(name As String, value As Nullable<DateTime>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableDecimal    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableDecimal(name: String; value: Nullable<Decimal>)


void WriteNullableDecimal(String name, Nullable<Decimal> value)


Sub WriteNullableDecimal(name As String, value As Nullable<Decimal>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableDouble    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableDouble(name: String; value: Nullable<Double>)


void WriteNullableDouble(String name, Nullable<Double> value)


Sub WriteNullableDouble(name As String, value As Nullable<Double>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableEnum    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableEnum(name: String; value: nullable Enum)


void WriteNullableEnum(String name, Enum? value)


Sub WriteNullableEnum(name As String, value As Enum?)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableGuid    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableGuid(name: String; value: Nullable<Guid>)


void WriteNullableGuid(String name, Nullable<Guid> value)


Sub WriteNullableGuid(name As String, value As Nullable<Guid>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableInt32    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableInt32(name: String; value: Nullable<Int32>)


void WriteNullableInt32(String name, Nullable<Int32> value)


Sub WriteNullableInt32(name As String, value As Nullable<Int32>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteNullableInt64    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteNullableInt64(name: String; value: Nullable<Int64>)


void WriteNullableInt64(String name, Nullable<Int64> value)


Sub WriteNullableInt64(name As String, value As Nullable<Int64>)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteToStream    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteToStream(stream: Stream)


void WriteToStream(Stream stream)


Sub WriteToStream(stream As Stream)


  • stream:

WriteUtf8String    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteUtf8String(name: String; value: String)


void WriteUtf8String(String name, String value)


Sub WriteUtf8String(name As String, value As String)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteVariant    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteVariant(name: String; value: Object)


void WriteVariant(String name, Object value)


Sub WriteVariant(name As String, value As Object)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteWideString    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteWideString(name: String; value: String)


void WriteWideString(String name, String value)


Sub WriteWideString(name As String, value As String)


  • name:
  • value:

WriteXml    (declared in IMessage)


method WriteXml(name: String; value: XmlNode)


void WriteXml(String name, XmlNode value)


Sub WriteXml(name As String, value As XmlNode)


  • name:
  • value: