

The VariantHelpers utility class provides methods to read variant data types from the stream or write data to it. This class relies on BinSerializer to perform actual write or read operations.


Class Methods


Returns a new Binary stream that contains provided value in its serialized form.


class method BinaryFromVariant(value: Object): Binary


static Binary BinaryFromVariant(Object value)


Shared Function BinaryFromVariant(value As Object) As Binary


  • value: Value that vill be serialized as Variant


Returns the streaming format best matching the provided data typename.

This method is used by serializers to determine the data serializartion format for cusom arrays (ie arrays implementing the IArrayType interface).


class method GetStreamingFormat(dataTypeName: String): StreamingFormat


static StreamingFormat GetStreamingFormat(String dataTypeName)


Shared Function GetStreamingFormat(dataTypeName As String) As StreamingFormat


  • dataTypeName: Data type name, f.e. WideString or Currency


Returns .NET framework type matching the provided VariantCode value. F.e. for the VariantCode value this method will return the Double .NET type. See the VariantCode enum description for the full list of possible values and their .NET type equivalents.

Raises VariantException exception in case when provided variant code doesn't match any .NET type.


class method GetTypeForVariantCode(typeCode: VariantCode): Type


static Type GetTypeForVariantCode(VariantCode typeCode)


Shared Function GetTypeForVariantCode(typeCode As VariantCode) As Type


  • typeCode: Variant type code


Returns VariantCode value matching the provided .NET type. F.e. for the Double .NET type this method will return VariantCode. See the VariantCode enum description for the full list of possible values and their .NET type equivalents.

Raises VariantException exception in case when provided .NET type doesn't have matching variant code.


class method GetVariantCodeForType(type: Type): VariantCode


static VariantCode GetVariantCodeForType(Type type)


Shared Function GetVariantCodeForType(type As Type) As VariantCode


  • type: .NET type

IsValueSupportedAsVariant (Object): Boolean

Checks if the provided object can be represented as variant data type. In case when provided value is an array checks that all elements of ths array can be represented as variant data type.


class method IsValueSupportedAsVariant(value: Object): Boolean


static Boolean IsValueSupportedAsVariant(Object value)


Shared Function IsValueSupportedAsVariant(value As Object) As Boolean


  • value: Value to check

IsValueSupportedAsVariant (Object, Boolean): Boolean

Checks if the provided object can be represented as variant data type. In case when provided value is an array checks that all elements of ths array can be represented as variant data type.

The following types and values are considered as allowed:

  • null value
  • Array of bytes
  • Descendants of the ComplexType type (depends on the value of the allowComplexType parameter)
  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • DateTime
  • Decimal
  • Double
  • Guid
  • Int16
  • Int32
  • Int64
  • SByte
  • String
  • UInt16
  • UInt32


class method IsValueSupportedAsVariant(value: Object; allowComplexType: Boolean): Boolean


static Boolean IsValueSupportedAsVariant(Object value, Boolean allowComplexType)


Shared Function IsValueSupportedAsVariant(value As Object, allowComplexType As Boolean) As Boolean


  • value: Value to check
  • allowComplexType: Flag indicating whether descendants of the ComplexType type should be considered as acceptable

ReadVariantFromStream (BinSerializer): Object

Reads and returns the next object in the binary stream assotiated with the provided serializer instance.


class method ReadVariantFromStream(serializer: BinSerializer): Object


static Object ReadVariantFromStream(BinSerializer serializer)


Shared Function ReadVariantFromStream(serializer As BinSerializer) As Object


  • serializer: Serializer instance assotiated with the data stream containing the serialized Variant values

ReadVariantFromStream (Stream): Object

Reads and returns the next object in the provided data stream. A BinSerializer class instance is created automatically to perform the data deserialization operation.


class method ReadVariantFromStream(stream: Stream): Object


static Object ReadVariantFromStream(Stream stream)


Shared Function ReadVariantFromStream(stream As Stream) As Object


  • stream: Data stream containing serialized Variant values


Reads and returns the next object in the provided Binary instance.


class method VariantFromBinary(value: Binary): Object


static Object VariantFromBinary(Binary value)


Shared Function VariantFromBinary(value As Binary) As Object


  • value: Binary instance containing serialized Variant values

WriteVariantToStream (Object, BinSerializer)

Writes the data type code and value of the passed object into the stream assotiated with the provided serializer instance.


class method WriteVariantToStream(value: Object; serializer: BinSerializer)


static void WriteVariantToStream(Object value, BinSerializer serializer)


Shared Sub WriteVariantToStream(value As Object, serializer As BinSerializer)


  • value: Value that vill be serialized as Variant
  • serializer: Serializer instance assotiated with the data stream containing the serialized Variant values

WriteVariantToStream (Object, Stream)

Writes the data type code and value of the passed object into the stream. A BinSerializer class instance is created automatically to perform the data serialization operation.


class method WriteVariantToStream(value: Object; stream: Stream)


static void WriteVariantToStream(Object value, Stream stream)


Shared Sub WriteVariantToStream(value As Object, stream As Stream)


  • value: Value that vill be serialized as Variant
  • stream: Data stream containing serialized Variant values