

The VariantCode enum represents different value types that can be stored as a Variant value. Methods VariantHelpers and VariantHelpers allow to perform conversions between .NET type info and corresponding VariantCode values.


Value Description
Array Array of some values. This variant code is not supported by the read/write methods of the VariantHelpers class.

Represented by integer value 0x2000.
Boolean Corresponds to the System.Boolean type.

Represented by integer value 0x000b.
Byte Corresponds to the System.Byte type.

Represented by integer value 0x0011.
Currency Corresponds to the System.Currency type.

Represented by integer value 0x0006.
DateTime Corresponds to the System.DateTime type.

Represented by integer value 0x0007.
Decimal Corresponds to the System.Decimal type.

Represented by integer value 0x000e.
DelphiString Represents type of the System.String value retrieved from Delphi-based client or server application when this value was sent using the ANSII encoding.

Represented by integer value 0x0100.
DelphiUtfString Represents type of the System.String value retrieved from Delphi-based client or server application when this value was sent using the UTF-8 encoding.

Represented by integer value 0x0102.
Double Corresponds to the System.Double type.

Represented by integer value 0x0005.
Empty Corresponds to the null value.

Represented by integer value 0x0000.
Guid Corresponds to the System.Guid type.

Represented by integer value 0x0072.
Int16 Corresponds to the System.Int16 type.

Represented by integer value 0x0002.
Int32 Corresponds to the System.Int32 type.

Represented by integer value 0x0003.
Int64 Corresponds to the System.Int64 type.

Represented by integer value 0x0014.
Int8 Corresponds to the System.SByte type.

Represented by integer value 0x0010.
LongWord Corresponds to the System.UInt32 type.

Represented by integer value 0x0013.
Null Corresponds to the null value.

Represented by integer value 0x0001.
String Corresponds to the System.String type.

Represented by integer value 0x0008.
Unknown Corresponds to a value of an unknown type. This variant code is not supported by the read/write methods of the VariantHelpers class.

Represented by integer value 0x000d.
Variant Corresponds to the System.Object type. This variant code is not supported by the read/write methods of the VariantHelpers class.

Represented by integer value 0x000c.
Word Corresponds to the System.UInt16 type.

Represented by integer value 0x0012.