

Class Notes
HttpClient The HttpClient class represents a client connection to an HTTP Server.
HttpClientRequest The HttpClientRequest class represents an HTTP request sent from the
HttpClientResponse The HttpClientResponse class represents an HTTP repsonse received on the client side.
HttpHeader HttpHeader holds Name and Value pairs for Request and Response Header fields.
HttpHeaders The HttpHeaders class provides access to a collection of HTTP headers represented by HttpHeader instances.
HttpIncomingRequestResponse Abstract base class representing an incoming HTTP message - either a request to received by the HttpServer, or a response received by the HttpClient. You will usually deal with the separate descendants HttpServerRequest or HttpClientResponse that descend...
HttpIncomingStream Implements an incoming stream of HTTP message (HttpIncomingRequestResponse). You will usually deal with the separate descendants HttpServerRequest or HttpClientResponse that descend from HttpIncomingRequestResponse.
HttpOutgoingRequestResponse The Abstract Base Class represents an outgoing HTTP message - either a request to be sent from the HttpClient, or a response to be sent from the HttpServer. You will usually deal with the separate descendants HttpClientRequest or HttpServerResponse that...
HttpRequestResponse Abstract base class representing an HTTP message. You will usually deal with the separate descendants HttpClientRequest, HttpClientResponse, HttpServerRequest and HttpServerResponse that descend from this class.
KnownProtocols The KnownProtocols class represents some common protocols (ftp, ssh, telnet, smtp, http, pop3, https) and their default ports which are used by the UrlParser. If you want UrlParser to make out any other protocol you can register this protocol by using...
UrlParser The UrlParser class represents a URL string and its separate components. You can assign a full string such as


Enum Notes
ContentSource The ContentSource enumeration is used in the HttpOutgoingRequestResponse class to describe how the content of the Http response is stored. For performance reasons content is stored in its original form and is converted into array of bytes only in the...
RequestType The RequestType enumeration is used in the Http requests processing to represent the exact type (ie Http method) of the Http request being processed.