
rodl2code is a small command line tool, provided for Windows and Mac, that lets you generate code from .RODL and .remoteRODL files, for use in client projects. It's ideal for use in build scripts.

Remoting SDK Service Interface Code Generator, based on CodeGen4 (


  rodl2code <rodl> --type:<type> --platform:<platform> --language:<language>
  rodl2code <rodl> --service:<name> --platform:<platform> --language:<language>
  rodl2code <rodl> --services --platform:<platform> --language:<language>

<rodl> can be:

  - the path to a local .RODL file
  - the path to a local .remoteRODL file
  - a http:// or https:// URL for a remote server

Valid <type> values:

  - intf
  - invk
  - impl (same as --services)
  - res
  - serveraccess

Valid <platform> values:

  - .net, net, echoes
  - cocoa, xcode, toffee
  - java, cooper
  - delphi, c++builder, bcb
  - javascript, js

Valid <language> values:

  - oxygene, pas
  - hydrogene, c#, cs
  - visual-basic, visualbasic, vb,
  - mercury
  - silver (RemObjects Swift)
  - swift (Apple Swift)
  - objective-c, Objc
  - delphi, pas, c++builder, cpp, c++
  - iodine (RemObjects' Java)
  - java (Oracle Java)

Additional options:

  --full-type-names (Currently Delphi/BCB only)
  --scoped-enums (Currently Delphi/BCB only)
  --legacy-strings (Delphi/BCB only)
  --xe2:<on|off|auto> (Delphi only)
  --fpc:<on|off|auto> (FreePascal only)
  --codefirst:<on|off|auto> (Delphi only)
  --genericarray:<on|off|auto> (Delphi only)
  --hydra (Delphi only)

  --outpath:<path> (optional target folder for generated files)
  --outfilename:<name> (optional base filename for generated files, w/o extension)
  --no-utf8 (disable UTF-8 for IDEs from last century)
  --no-bom (omit BOM from UTF-8 files; default for Java)
  --namespace:<namespace> (optional namespace for generated files)