Being a descendant of the abstract message class, this class implements the binary messaging protocol for Xcode.
- Reference: ROBinMessage.h
- Namespace: RemObjectsSDK
- Ancestry: NSObject | ROMessage | ROBinMessage
beginReadObjectWithName:asClass: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull ROComplexType *) beginReadObjectWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName asClass:(nonnull Class)aClass
- aName:
- aClass:
beginWriteObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) beginWriteObject:(nullable ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
channel retain (declared in ROMessage)
@property (retain) nullable ROChannel *channel
clear (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) clear
clearAttributes (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) clearAttributes
clientID (declared in ROMessage)
+ (nullable ROGuid *) clientID
clientID retain (declared in ROMessage)
@property (retain) nullable ROGuid *clientID
contentType retain (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly, retain) nullable NSString *contentType
createExceptionWithClassName:message: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSException *) createExceptionWithClassName:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionName message:(nonnull NSString *)aMessage
- aExceptionName:
- aMessage:
createMessageStateObject (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable ROMessageState *) createMessageStateObject
doGetNSData (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSMutableData *) doGetNSData
doPrepareFromNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doPrepareFromNSData:(nonnull NSData *)aData
- aData:
doRead (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doRead
doReadException: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doReadException:(nullable id)aException
- aException:
doReadObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doReadObject:(nonnull ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
doWriteObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doWriteObject:(nullable ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
endReadObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) endReadObject:(nonnull ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
endWriteObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) endWriteObject:(nullable ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
enforceMaxMessageSize assign
Reserved for future use.
@property (assign) BOOL enforceMaxMessageSize
envelopes (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) nullable NSMutableDictionary *envelopes
exception (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) nullable NSException *exception
finalizeMessage (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) finalizeMessage
getAtttributeValue: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) getAtttributeValue:(nonnull NSString *)aName
- aName:
getNSData (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSMutableData *) getNSData
initializeAsRequestMessage:libraryName:interfaceName:messageName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) initializeAsRequestMessage:(nonnull ROChannel *)aChannel libraryName:(nonnull NSString *)aLibraryName interfaceName:(nonnull NSString *)anInterfaceName messageName:(nonnull NSString *)aMessageName
- aChannel:
- aLibraryName:
- anInterfaceName:
- aMessageName:
initializeMessage:libraryName:interfaceName:messageName:messageType: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) initializeMessage:(nonnull ROChannel *)aChannel libraryName:(nonnull NSString *)aLibraryName interfaceName:(nonnull NSString *)anInterfaceName messageName:(nonnull NSString *)aMessageName messageType:(enum ROMessageType)aMessageType
- aChannel:
- aLibraryName:
- anInterfaceName:
- aMessageName:
- aMessageType:
interfaceName copy (declared in ROMessage)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *interfaceName
libraryName copy (declared in ROMessage)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *libraryName
maxMessageSize assign
Gets or sets the maximum message size to be received.
@property (assign) long maxMessageSize
message (declared in ROMessage)
+ (nonnull instancetype) message
messageMatchingTargetURL: (declared in ROMessage)
+ (nonnull instancetype) messageMatchingTargetURL:(nonnull NSURL *)targetUrl
- targetUrl:
messageName copy (declared in ROMessage)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *messageName
messageType (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) enum ROMessageType messageType
minSizeForCompression assign
Specifies the minimum overall message data length to turn message compression on (if enabled with the useCompression property). Compressing small amounts of data does not give much size reduction but leads to a higher CPU load so it might be advantageous to limit the compressible data size. The default minimum size for ZLib compression algorithm is 4096 bytes. We recommend to keep the default value of the property.
@property (assign) long minSizeForCompression
prepareFromNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) prepareFromNSData:(nonnull NSData *)aData
- aData:
processException (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) processException
read (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) read
readAnsiString (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readAnsiString
readAnsiStringWithName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readAnsiStringWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- aName:
readByte (declared in ROMessage)
- (unsigned char) readByte
readException (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSException *) readException
readFromNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) readFromNSData:(nonnull NSData *)aData
- aData:
readUtf8String (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readUtf8String
readUtf8StringWithName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readUtf8StringWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- aName:
readWideString (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readWideString
readWideStringWithName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readWideStringWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- aName:
restoreMessageState:usingChannel: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) restoreMessageState:(nonnull ROMessageState *)aState usingChannel:(nonnull ROChannel *)aChannel
- aState:
- aChannel:
saveMessageState (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable ROMessageState *) saveMessageState
setupAttributes: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) setupAttributes:(nonnull NSDictionary *)aAttributes
- aAttributes:
setUseSingleClientID: (declared in ROMessage)
+ (void) setUseSingleClientID:(BOOL)flag
- flag:
useCompression assign
Allows to turn message compression on (default) or off. You may consider to turn the compression off, if you either expect the data to be incompressible or if you want to keep CPU load at a minimum. The compression for the concrete message will be turned off automatically if it's length is less than the value of the minSizeForCompression property.
@property (assign) BOOL useCompression
useSingleClientID (declared in ROMessage)
+ (BOOL) useSingleClientID
useStrictFieldOrderForStructs (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) BOOL useStrictFieldOrderForStructs
writeToNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) writeToNSData:(nonnull NSMutableData *)aData
- aData:
channel retain (declared in ROMessage)
@property (retain) nullable ROChannel *channel
clientID retain (declared in ROMessage)
@property (retain) nullable ROGuid *clientID
contentType retain (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly, retain) nullable NSString *contentType
enforceMaxMessageSize assign
Reserved for future use.
@property (assign) BOOL enforceMaxMessageSize
envelopes (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) nullable NSMutableDictionary *envelopes
exception (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) nullable NSException *exception
interfaceName copy (declared in ROMessage)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *interfaceName
libraryName copy (declared in ROMessage)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *libraryName
maxMessageSize assign
Gets or sets the maximum message size to be received.
@property (assign) long maxMessageSize
messageName copy (declared in ROMessage)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *messageName
messageType (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) enum ROMessageType messageType
minSizeForCompression assign
Specifies the minimum overall message data length to turn message compression on (if enabled with the useCompression property). Compressing small amounts of data does not give much size reduction but leads to a higher CPU load so it might be advantageous to limit the compressible data size. The default minimum size for ZLib compression algorithm is 4096 bytes. We recommend to keep the default value of the property.
@property (assign) long minSizeForCompression
useCompression assign
Allows to turn message compression on (default) or off. You may consider to turn the compression off, if you either expect the data to be incompressible or if you want to keep CPU load at a minimum. The compression for the concrete message will be turned off automatically if it's length is less than the value of the minSizeForCompression property.
@property (assign) BOOL useCompression
useStrictFieldOrderForStructs (declared in ROMessage)
@property (readonly) BOOL useStrictFieldOrderForStructs
clientID (declared in ROMessage)
+ (nullable ROGuid *) clientID
message (declared in ROMessage)
+ (nonnull instancetype) message
messageMatchingTargetURL: (declared in ROMessage)
+ (nonnull instancetype) messageMatchingTargetURL:(nonnull NSURL *)targetUrl
- targetUrl:
setUseSingleClientID: (declared in ROMessage)
+ (void) setUseSingleClientID:(BOOL)flag
- flag:
useSingleClientID (declared in ROMessage)
+ (BOOL) useSingleClientID
beginReadObjectWithName:asClass: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull ROComplexType *) beginReadObjectWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName asClass:(nonnull Class)aClass
- aName:
- aClass:
beginWriteObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) beginWriteObject:(nullable ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
clear (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) clear
clearAttributes (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) clearAttributes
createExceptionWithClassName:message: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSException *) createExceptionWithClassName:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionName message:(nonnull NSString *)aMessage
- aExceptionName:
- aMessage:
createMessageStateObject (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable ROMessageState *) createMessageStateObject
doGetNSData (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSMutableData *) doGetNSData
doPrepareFromNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doPrepareFromNSData:(nonnull NSData *)aData
- aData:
doRead (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doRead
doReadException: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doReadException:(nullable id)aException
- aException:
doReadObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doReadObject:(nonnull ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
doWriteObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) doWriteObject:(nullable ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
endReadObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) endReadObject:(nonnull ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
endWriteObject:withName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) endWriteObject:(nullable ROComplexType *)anObject withName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- anObject:
- aName:
finalizeMessage (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) finalizeMessage
getAtttributeValue: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) getAtttributeValue:(nonnull NSString *)aName
- aName:
getNSData (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSMutableData *) getNSData
initializeAsRequestMessage:libraryName:interfaceName:messageName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) initializeAsRequestMessage:(nonnull ROChannel *)aChannel libraryName:(nonnull NSString *)aLibraryName interfaceName:(nonnull NSString *)anInterfaceName messageName:(nonnull NSString *)aMessageName
- aChannel:
- aLibraryName:
- anInterfaceName:
- aMessageName:
initializeMessage:libraryName:interfaceName:messageName:messageType: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) initializeMessage:(nonnull ROChannel *)aChannel libraryName:(nonnull NSString *)aLibraryName interfaceName:(nonnull NSString *)anInterfaceName messageName:(nonnull NSString *)aMessageName messageType:(enum ROMessageType)aMessageType
- aChannel:
- aLibraryName:
- anInterfaceName:
- aMessageName:
- aMessageType:
prepareFromNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) prepareFromNSData:(nonnull NSData *)aData
- aData:
processException (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) processException
read (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) read
readAnsiString (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readAnsiString
readAnsiStringWithName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readAnsiStringWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- aName:
readByte (declared in ROMessage)
- (unsigned char) readByte
readException (declared in ROMessage)
- (nonnull NSException *) readException
readFromNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) readFromNSData:(nonnull NSData *)aData
- aData:
readUtf8String (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readUtf8String
readUtf8StringWithName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readUtf8StringWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- aName:
readWideString (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readWideString
readWideStringWithName: (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable NSString *) readWideStringWithName:(nullable NSString *)aName
- aName:
restoreMessageState:usingChannel: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) restoreMessageState:(nonnull ROMessageState *)aState usingChannel:(nonnull ROChannel *)aChannel
- aState:
- aChannel:
saveMessageState (declared in ROMessage)
- (nullable ROMessageState *) saveMessageState
setupAttributes: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) setupAttributes:(nonnull NSDictionary *)aAttributes
- aAttributes:
writeToNSData: (declared in ROMessage)
- (void) writeToNSData:(nonnull NSMutableData *)aData
- aData: