The ROEventReceiver class is a server callback events receiver implementation for OS X platform.
ROEventReceiver object can not be released while active because it spawns a NSThread that keeps the reference to the receiver object itself. So calling release from user level code does not stop the working receiver and does not free the memory.
- Reference: ROEventReceiver.h
- Namespace: RemObjectsSDK
- Ancestry: NSObject | ROEventReceiver
active protected assign
Turns the event receiving on or off.
@property (assign) BOOL active
adjustPollInterval protected assign
If set to YES allows the receiver to variate the time interval between event requests.
@property (assign) BOOL adjustPollInterval
channel protected retain
@property (retain) nonnull ROClientChannel *channel
currentPollInterval protected
Allows to get the current poll interval, the value may vary if the adjustPollInterval is set to YES. Otherwise it is equal to the minimumPollInterval property value.
@property (readonly) int currentPollInterval
delegate protected retain
References the delegate object that should conform to ROEventReceiverDelegate protocol.
@property (retain) id delegate
initWithChannel:message: protected
- (nonnull instancetype) initWithChannel:(nonnull ROClientChannel *)aChannel message:(nonnull ROMessage *)aMessage
- aChannel:
- aMessage:
invokeInBackground protected assign
@property (assign) BOOL invokeInBackground
isAnyHandlerRegistered: protected
- (BOOL) isAnyHandlerRegistered:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aEvents:
isHandlerRegistered:forEvents: protected
- (BOOL) isHandlerRegistered:(nonnull id)aHandler forEvents:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aHandler:
- aEvents:
maximumMessagesPerPoll protected assign
Allows to specify the maximum number of event messages that can be received with one event request call. If the number of event messages on the server exceeds this value then remaining messages will be downloaded during subsequent event request(s).
@property (assign) int maximumMessagesPerPoll
maximumPollIntrval protected assign
Specifies the maximum interval between event requests in seconds. This property is used only when adjustPollInterval is set to YES.
@property (assign) int maximumPollIntrval
message protected retain
@property (retain) nonnull ROMessage *message
minimumPollInterval protected assign
Specifies the minimum interval between event requests in seconds when adjustPollInterval property is set to YES. Or specifies the constant poll interval otherwise. NOTE: because the poll interval variation is not implemented yet use this property to change the poll interval as needed.
@property (assign) int minimumPollInterval
registerEventHandler: protected
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler
- aHandler:
registerEventHandler:forEvents: protected deprecated
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEvents:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aHandler:
- aEvents:
registerEventHandler:forEventSink: protected
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEventSink:(nonnull NSString *)eventSinkID
- aHandler:
- eventSinkID:
registerEventHandler:forEventSinks: protected
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEventSinks:(nonnull NSArray *)eventSinkIDs
- aHandler:
- eventSinkIDs:
serviceName protected retain
The name of the remote service to communicate with.
@property (retain) nullable NSString *serviceName
setSynchronizedInvoke: protected deprecated
- (void) setSynchronizedInvoke:(BOOL)value
- value:
synchronizedInvoke protected deprecated
- (BOOL) synchronizedInvoke
unregisterAllEvents: protected
- (void) unregisterAllEvents:(nonnull id)aHandler
- aHandler:
unregisterAllHandlers: protected
- (void) unregisterAllHandlers:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aEvents:
unregisterEventHandler:forEvents: protected deprecated
- (void) unregisterEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEvents:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aHandler:
- aEvents:
unregisterEventHandler:forEventSink: protected
- (void) unregisterEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEventSink:(nonnull NSString *)eventSinkID
- aHandler:
- eventSinkID:
active protected assign
Turns the event receiving on or off.
@property (assign) BOOL active
adjustPollInterval protected assign
If set to YES allows the receiver to variate the time interval between event requests.
@property (assign) BOOL adjustPollInterval
channel protected retain
@property (retain) nonnull ROClientChannel *channel
currentPollInterval protected
Allows to get the current poll interval, the value may vary if the adjustPollInterval is set to YES. Otherwise it is equal to the minimumPollInterval property value.
@property (readonly) int currentPollInterval
delegate protected retain
References the delegate object that should conform to ROEventReceiverDelegate protocol.
@property (retain) id delegate
invokeInBackground protected assign
@property (assign) BOOL invokeInBackground
maximumMessagesPerPoll protected assign
Allows to specify the maximum number of event messages that can be received with one event request call. If the number of event messages on the server exceeds this value then remaining messages will be downloaded during subsequent event request(s).
@property (assign) int maximumMessagesPerPoll
maximumPollIntrval protected assign
Specifies the maximum interval between event requests in seconds. This property is used only when adjustPollInterval is set to YES.
@property (assign) int maximumPollIntrval
message protected retain
@property (retain) nonnull ROMessage *message
minimumPollInterval protected assign
Specifies the minimum interval between event requests in seconds when adjustPollInterval property is set to YES. Or specifies the constant poll interval otherwise. NOTE: because the poll interval variation is not implemented yet use this property to change the poll interval as needed.
@property (assign) int minimumPollInterval
serviceName protected retain
The name of the remote service to communicate with.
@property (retain) nullable NSString *serviceName
initWithChannel:message: protected
- (nonnull instancetype) initWithChannel:(nonnull ROClientChannel *)aChannel message:(nonnull ROMessage *)aMessage
- aChannel:
- aMessage:
isAnyHandlerRegistered: protected
- (BOOL) isAnyHandlerRegistered:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aEvents:
isHandlerRegistered:forEvents: protected
- (BOOL) isHandlerRegistered:(nonnull id)aHandler forEvents:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aHandler:
- aEvents:
registerEventHandler: protected
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler
- aHandler:
registerEventHandler:forEvents: protected deprecated
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEvents:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aHandler:
- aEvents:
registerEventHandler:forEventSink: protected
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEventSink:(nonnull NSString *)eventSinkID
- aHandler:
- eventSinkID:
registerEventHandler:forEventSinks: protected
- (void) registerEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEventSinks:(nonnull NSArray *)eventSinkIDs
- aHandler:
- eventSinkIDs:
setSynchronizedInvoke: protected deprecated
- (void) setSynchronizedInvoke:(BOOL)value
- value:
synchronizedInvoke protected deprecated
- (BOOL) synchronizedInvoke
unregisterAllEvents: protected
- (void) unregisterAllEvents:(nonnull id)aHandler
- aHandler:
unregisterAllHandlers: protected
- (void) unregisterAllHandlers:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aEvents:
unregisterEventHandler:forEvents: protected deprecated
- (void) unregisterEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEvents:(nonnull NSString *)aEvents
- aHandler:
- aEvents:
unregisterEventHandler:forEventSink: protected
- (void) unregisterEventHandler:(nonnull id)aHandler forEventSink:(nonnull NSString *)eventSinkID
- aHandler:
- eventSinkID: