

The exception is thrown when you try to use a ROProxy instance (it's descendant from the remote service interface code) but it is not fully configured: either channel or message is not assigned.



exceptionName    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull NSString *) exceptionName

exceptionWithMessage:    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull ROException *) exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

exceptionWithMessage:instance:propertyName:    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

Creates an exception instance with all parameters required to identify the problem.

+ (ROPropertyValidationException *) exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage instance:(NSObject *)aInstance propertyName:(NSString *)aName


  • aExceptionMessage: The text message describing the error
  • aInstance: Points to the instance which has failed property
  • aName: The name of the failed property

fromServer  assign    (declared in ROException)

This flag is used to distinguish server side exceptions from client side ones. Set to YES for server side exceptions.

@property (assign) BOOL fromServer

initWithMessage:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

initWithMessage:fromServer:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage fromServer:(BOOL)aFromServer


  • aExceptionMessage:
  • aFromServer:

initWithMessage:instance:propertyName:    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

- (InstanceType) initWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage instance:(NSObject *)aInstance propertyName:(NSString *)aName


  • aExceptionMessage:
  • aInstance:
  • aName:

instance  retain    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

Points to the instance which has failed property

@property (retain) NSObject *instance

propertyName  copy    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

The name of the failed property

@property (copy) NSString *propertyName

serverStackTrace  copy    (declared in ROException)

@property (copy) nonnull NSString *serverStackTrace


fromServer  assign    (declared in ROException)

This flag is used to distinguish server side exceptions from client side ones. Set to YES for server side exceptions.

@property (assign) BOOL fromServer

instance  retain    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

Points to the instance which has failed property

@property (retain) NSObject *instance

propertyName  copy    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

The name of the failed property

@property (copy) NSString *propertyName

serverStackTrace  copy    (declared in ROException)

@property (copy) nonnull NSString *serverStackTrace


exceptionName    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull NSString *) exceptionName

exceptionWithMessage:    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull ROException *) exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

exceptionWithMessage:instance:propertyName:    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

Creates an exception instance with all parameters required to identify the problem.

+ (ROPropertyValidationException *) exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage instance:(NSObject *)aInstance propertyName:(NSString *)aName


  • aExceptionMessage: The text message describing the error
  • aInstance: Points to the instance which has failed property
  • aName: The name of the failed property


initWithMessage:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

initWithMessage:fromServer:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage fromServer:(BOOL)aFromServer


  • aExceptionMessage:
  • aFromServer:

initWithMessage:instance:propertyName:    (declared in ROPropertyValidationException)

- (InstanceType) initWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage instance:(NSObject *)aInstance propertyName:(NSString *)aName


  • aExceptionMessage:
  • aInstance:
  • aName:

