This exception is thrown when ROSoapMessage class instance tries to parse a parameter value that is expected to be of datetime type but the date representation does not conform to the SOAP datetime convention.
- Reference: ROSoapMessage.h
- Namespace: RemObjectsSDK
- Ancestry: NSException | ROException | ROMessageException | ROSoapException | ROSoapMessageValidityException | ROSoapDateException
exceptionName (declared in ROException)
+ (nonnull NSString *) exceptionName
Creates the exception instance with the default error message and the string that could not be parsed.
+ (ROSoapDateException *) exceptionWithInvalidString:(NSString *)aString
- aString: Invalid date that could not be parsed
exceptionWithMessage: (declared in ROException)
+ (nonnull ROException *) exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage
- aExceptionMessage:
exceptionWithMessage:invalidCString: (declared in ROSoapMessageValidityException)
Creates an exception instance specifying the invalid SOAP message part as C language string.
+ (ROSoapMessageValidityException *) exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage invalidCString:(char *)aString
- aExceptionMessage: A text message describing the error
- aString: C language string containing the part of SOAP message that is invalid
fromServer assign (declared in ROException)
This flag is used to distinguish server side exceptions from client side ones. Set to YES for server side exceptions.
@property (assign) BOOL fromServer
initWithMessage: (declared in ROException)
- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage
- aExceptionMessage:
initWithMessage:fromServer: (declared in ROException)
- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage fromServer:(BOOL)aFromServer
- aExceptionMessage:
- aFromServer:
initWithMessage:invalidCString: (declared in ROSoapException)
- (InstanceType) initWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage invalidCString:(char *)aString
- aExceptionMessage:
- aString:
initWithMessage:invalidNSString: (declared in ROSoapException)
- (InstanceType) initWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage invalidNSString:(NSString *)aString
- aExceptionMessage:
- aString:
invalidPart copy (declared in ROSoapException)
May contain a SOAP message part that is considered invalid. Will contain the entire message in certain cases.
@property (copy) NSString *invalidPart
serverStackTrace copy (declared in ROException)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *serverStackTrace
fromServer assign (declared in ROException)
This flag is used to distinguish server side exceptions from client side ones. Set to YES for server side exceptions.
@property (assign) BOOL fromServer
invalidPart copy (declared in ROSoapException)
May contain a SOAP message part that is considered invalid. Will contain the entire message in certain cases.
@property (copy) NSString *invalidPart
serverStackTrace copy (declared in ROException)
@property (copy) nonnull NSString *serverStackTrace
exceptionName (declared in ROException)
+ (nonnull NSString *) exceptionName
Creates the exception instance with the default error message and the string that could not be parsed.
+ (ROSoapDateException *) exceptionWithInvalidString:(NSString *)aString
- aString: Invalid date that could not be parsed
exceptionWithMessage: (declared in ROException)
+ (nonnull ROException *) exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage
- aExceptionMessage:
exceptionWithMessage:invalidCString: (declared in ROSoapMessageValidityException)
Creates an exception instance specifying the invalid SOAP message part as C language string.
+ (ROSoapMessageValidityException *) exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage invalidCString:(char *)aString
- aExceptionMessage: A text message describing the error
- aString: C language string containing the part of SOAP message that is invalid
initWithMessage: (declared in ROException)
- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage
- aExceptionMessage:
initWithMessage:fromServer: (declared in ROException)
- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage fromServer:(BOOL)aFromServer
- aExceptionMessage:
- aFromServer:
initWithMessage:invalidCString: (declared in ROSoapException)
- (InstanceType) initWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage invalidCString:(char *)aString
- aExceptionMessage:
- aString:
initWithMessage:invalidNSString: (declared in ROSoapException)
- (InstanceType) initWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage invalidNSString:(NSString *)aString
- aExceptionMessage:
- aString: