

This exception is used to indicate a error condition with the SuperHTTP specific communication . Such errors can happen for example after unexpected server restart when all clients registration internal data is lost. It is necessary to reestablish the connection from scratch to recover after such error.



exceptionName    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull NSString *) exceptionName

exceptionWithMessage: exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *) : nonnull ROException *    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull ROException *) exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

exceptionWithMessage: exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *) : ROSuperHTTPProtocolException *

Creates an execption instance with a custom error message.

+ (ROSuperHTTPProtocolException *) exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage: The text string describing the error condition

fromServer  assign    (declared in ROException)

This flag is used to distinguish server side exceptions from client side ones. Set to YES for server side exceptions.

@property (assign) BOOL fromServer

initWithMessage:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

initWithMessage:fromServer:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage fromServer:(BOOL)aFromServer


  • aExceptionMessage:
  • aFromServer:

serverStackTrace  copy    (declared in ROException)

@property (copy) nonnull NSString *serverStackTrace


fromServer  assign    (declared in ROException)

This flag is used to distinguish server side exceptions from client side ones. Set to YES for server side exceptions.

@property (assign) BOOL fromServer

serverStackTrace  copy    (declared in ROException)

@property (copy) nonnull NSString *serverStackTrace


exceptionName    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull NSString *) exceptionName

exceptionWithMessage: exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *) : nonnull ROException *    (declared in ROException)

+ (nonnull ROException *) exceptionWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

exceptionWithMessage: exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *) : ROSuperHTTPProtocolException *

Creates an execption instance with a custom error message.

+ (ROSuperHTTPProtocolException *) exceptionWithMessage:(NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage: The text string describing the error condition


initWithMessage:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage


  • aExceptionMessage:

initWithMessage:fromServer:    (declared in ROException)

- (nullable instancetype) initWithMessage:(nonnull NSString *)aExceptionMessage fromServer:(BOOL)aFromServer


  • aExceptionMessage:
  • aFromServer: