This interface can be implemented by service implementations that want to control whether a particular instance can be disposed upon completing the current request.
This interface only applies when using the PerClientClassFactory.
When you're using the Service class as the base class for your service implementation (which is the default), this interface is already implemented for you and hooked up to the DestroySession method.
When you call DestroySession during a request, the CanBeDisposed property of this interface will automatically return true.
- Reference: RemObjects.SDK.Server.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.SDK.Server
- Ancestry: IDisposableService
Implement this property to specify whether your service instance can be disposed after servicing the current request (true) or not (false).
property CanBeDisposed: Boolean read;
Boolean CanBeDisposed { get; }
ReadOnly Property CanBeDisposed() As Boolean