This interface extends the IServerChannelInfo to provide access to specific information about the incoming request. In particular, it provides the Connection that the request has come in with.
- Reference: RemObjects.SDK.Server.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.SDK.Server
- Ancestry: INetworkServerChannelInfo | IIpServerChannelInfo
Reference to the Connection class that the request being processed as come in through.
property Connection: Connection read;
Connection Connection { get; }
ReadOnly Property Connection() As Connection
LocalEndPoint (declared in INetworkServerChannelInfo)
Returns reference to the local (server) endpoint of the IP connection
property LocalEndPoint: IPEndPoint read;
IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint { get; }
ReadOnly Property LocalEndPoint() As IPEndPoint
RemoteEndPoint (declared in INetworkServerChannelInfo)
Returns reference to the remote (client) endpoint of the IP connection
property RemoteEndPoint: IPEndPoint read;
IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint { get; }
ReadOnly Property RemoteEndPoint() As IPEndPoint
ServerChannel (declared in IServerChannelInfo)
Reference to the server channel component that received the request being processed.
property ServerChannel: ServerChannel read;
ServerChannel ServerChannel { get; }
ReadOnly Property ServerChannel() As ServerChannel