The TROOlympiaEventRepository class implements an event repository that stores event data in the Olympia server. The Active property has to be set to true to activate the TROOlympiaEventRepository.
- Unit: uROOlympiaEventRepository.pas
- Ancestry: TComponent | TROComponent | TROEventRepository | TROOlympiaEventRepository
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)
- AOwner: Owner
Activates the SessionManager and EventReceiver with the 'OlympiaEvents' event handler.
property Active: Boolean read write
AddActiveListener override
Registers aSessionID
as an event sink with an aActiveEventServer
instance of the IROActiveEventServer as an event dispatcher.
function AddActiveListener(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer): Boolean
- aSessionID: Unique session GUID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
AddSession (TGUID) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID)
- aSessionID: Session ID
AddSession (TGUID, IROActiveEventServer) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session and event dispatcher.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer)
- aSessionID: Unique session GUID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
AddSession (TGUID, IROActiveEventServer, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session and event dispatcher.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
AddSession (TGUID, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
CheckProperties override
Validates the event repository properties.
procedure CheckProperties
DoAddSession (TGUID, IROActiveEventServer, string) protected override
Performs registration of a given session and event dispatcher.
procedure DoAddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer; const aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
DoAddSession (TGUID, string) protected overload virtual (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure DoAddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; const aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
DoGetEventData protected override
Retrieves data of an event for a given session.
function DoGetEventData(SessionID: TGUID; var TargetStream: TROBinaryMemoryStream): Integer
- SessionID: Unique session GUID
- TargetStream: Event data container
DoRemoveSession protected override
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure DoRemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID; const aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
DoStoreEventData protected override
Stores event data from a given session.
procedure DoStoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string; const EventSinkId: string)
- SourceSessionID: Unique session GUID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
- EventSinkId: Event sink
GetEventData (declared in TROEventRepository)
Implements IROEventRepository to retrieve data of an event for a given session via DoGetEventData.
function GetEventData(SessionID: TGUID; var TargetStream: TROBinaryMemoryStream): Integer
- SessionID: Session ID
- TargetStream: Target stream
GetEventDataEx (declared in TROEventRepository)
procedure GetEventDataEx(SessionID: TGUID; out Target: TROEventDataArray)
- SessionID:
- Target:
GetEventWriter (declared in TROEventRepository)
Retrieves an event proxy registered by the generated RODL Files.
function GetEventWriter(const IID: TGUID): IROEventWriter
- IID: GUID of the required interface
IsSessionPresentinSessionManager protected (declared in TROEventRepository)
Checks given session id in SessionManager
function IsSessionPresentinSessionManager(const aSessionID: TGUID): Boolean
- aSessionID: Session ID.
Loaded protected override
Overrides the TComponent to set the Active property to true after loading.
procedure Loaded
Login protected
If the Username is not empty, login to the IOlympia singleton is possible with the given Username and Password. If the Username is empty, the server channel is activated without username and password check.
procedure Login
Logout protected
Delegates a call to the IOlympia singleton.
procedure Logout
Message (declared in TROEventRepository)
The message format used to encode event data. This must match the message format used on the client-side TROEventReceiver.
property Message: TROMessage read write
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
OnAfterAddSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by AddSession after addition.
property OnAfterAddSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterAddSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
OnAfterRemoveSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by RemoveSession after removing.
property OnAfterRemoveSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterRemoveSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
OnBeforeAddSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by AddSession before addition.
property OnBeforeAddSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeAddSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
OnBeforeRemoveSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by RemoveSession before removing.
property OnBeforeRemoveSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeRemoveSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
Used when Username is not empty. Username with Password is used to login to the IOlympia singleton. Valid Username/Password pairs are defined in the Olympia settings. See Olympia for more details.
property Password: string read write
RemoveSession (TGUID) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure RemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID)
- aSessionID: Session ID
RemoveSession (TGUID, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure RemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SessionManager (declared in TROEventRepository)
The session manager that maintains the server's user sessions. Remoting SDK events are tied to user sessions. Fired events are stored in the session until delivered to clients, while undelivered events expire and are discarded when the session expires. Therefore, to function, every Event Repository must have a session manager assigned.
property SessionManager: TROCustomSessionManager read write
The session manager that maintains the server's user session. Remoting SDK events are tied to user sessions. Fired events are stored in the session until delivered to clients, while undelivered events expire and are discarded when the session expires. Therefore, to function, every Event Repository must have a session manager assigned.
property SessionManager: TROOlympiaSessionManager read write
StoreEventData (TGUID, TROBinaryMemoryStream, Boolean, Boolean, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Stores the provided event data in the repository.
procedure StoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string)
- SourceSessionID: Session ID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
StoreEventData (TGUID, TROBinaryMemoryStream, Boolean, Boolean, string, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Stores the provided event data in the repository.
procedure StoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string; const EventSinkId: string)
- SourceSessionID: Session ID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
- EventSinkId: Event sink
The Username with its Password is used to login to the IOlympia singleton.
property Username: string read write
Activates the SessionManager and EventReceiver with the 'OlympiaEvents' event handler.
property Active: Boolean read write
Message (declared in TROEventRepository)
The message format used to encode event data. This must match the message format used on the client-side TROEventReceiver.
property Message: TROMessage read write
Used when Username is not empty. Username with Password is used to login to the IOlympia singleton. Valid Username/Password pairs are defined in the Olympia settings. See Olympia for more details.
property Password: string read write
SessionManager (declared in TROEventRepository)
The session manager that maintains the server's user sessions. Remoting SDK events are tied to user sessions. Fired events are stored in the session until delivered to clients, while undelivered events expire and are discarded when the session expires. Therefore, to function, every Event Repository must have a session manager assigned.
property SessionManager: TROCustomSessionManager read write
The session manager that maintains the server's user session. Remoting SDK events are tied to user sessions. Fired events are stored in the session until delivered to clients, while undelivered events expire and are discarded when the session expires. Therefore, to function, every Event Repository must have a session manager assigned.
property SessionManager: TROOlympiaSessionManager read write
The Username with its Password is used to login to the IOlympia singleton.
property Username: string read write
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)
- AOwner: Owner
AddActiveListener override
Registers aSessionID
as an event sink with an aActiveEventServer
instance of the IROActiveEventServer as an event dispatcher.
function AddActiveListener(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer): Boolean
- aSessionID: Unique session GUID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
AddSession (TGUID) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID)
- aSessionID: Session ID
AddSession (TGUID, IROActiveEventServer) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session and event dispatcher.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer)
- aSessionID: Unique session GUID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
AddSession (TGUID, IROActiveEventServer, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session and event dispatcher.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
AddSession (TGUID, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
CheckProperties override
Validates the event repository properties.
procedure CheckProperties
DoAddSession (TGUID, IROActiveEventServer, string) protected override
Performs registration of a given session and event dispatcher.
procedure DoAddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aActiveEventServer: IROActiveEventServer; const aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aActiveEventServer: Custom event dispatcher
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
DoAddSession (TGUID, string) protected overload virtual (declared in TROEventRepository)
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure DoAddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; const aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
DoGetEventData protected override
Retrieves data of an event for a given session.
function DoGetEventData(SessionID: TGUID; var TargetStream: TROBinaryMemoryStream): Integer
- SessionID: Unique session GUID
- TargetStream: Event data container
DoRemoveSession protected override
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure DoRemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID; const aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
DoStoreEventData protected override
Stores event data from a given session.
procedure DoStoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string; const EventSinkId: string)
- SourceSessionID: Unique session GUID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
- EventSinkId: Event sink
GetEventData (declared in TROEventRepository)
Implements IROEventRepository to retrieve data of an event for a given session via DoGetEventData.
function GetEventData(SessionID: TGUID; var TargetStream: TROBinaryMemoryStream): Integer
- SessionID: Session ID
- TargetStream: Target stream
GetEventDataEx (declared in TROEventRepository)
procedure GetEventDataEx(SessionID: TGUID; out Target: TROEventDataArray)
- SessionID:
- Target:
GetEventWriter (declared in TROEventRepository)
Retrieves an event proxy registered by the generated RODL Files.
function GetEventWriter(const IID: TGUID): IROEventWriter
- IID: GUID of the required interface
IsSessionPresentinSessionManager protected (declared in TROEventRepository)
Checks given session id in SessionManager
function IsSessionPresentinSessionManager(const aSessionID: TGUID): Boolean
- aSessionID: Session ID.
Loaded protected override
Overrides the TComponent to set the Active property to true after loading.
procedure Loaded
Login protected
If the Username is not empty, login to the IOlympia singleton is possible with the given Username and Password. If the Username is empty, the server channel is activated without username and password check.
procedure Login
Logout protected
Delegates a call to the IOlympia singleton.
procedure Logout
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
RemoveSession (TGUID) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure RemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID)
- aSessionID: Session ID
RemoveSession (TGUID, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure RemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
StoreEventData (TGUID, TROBinaryMemoryStream, Boolean, Boolean, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Stores the provided event data in the repository.
procedure StoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string)
- SourceSessionID: Session ID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
StoreEventData (TGUID, TROBinaryMemoryStream, Boolean, Boolean, string, string) overload (declared in TROEventRepository)
Stores the provided event data in the repository.
procedure StoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string; const EventSinkId: string)
- SourceSessionID: Session ID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
- EventSinkId: Event sink
OnAfterAddSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by AddSession after addition.
property OnAfterAddSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterAddSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
OnAfterRemoveSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by RemoveSession after removing.
property OnAfterRemoveSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterRemoveSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
OnBeforeAddSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by AddSession before addition.
property OnBeforeAddSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeAddSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
OnBeforeRemoveSession (declared in TROEventRepository)
Fired by RemoveSession before removing.
property OnBeforeRemoveSession: TROSessionEvent read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeRemoveSession(Sender: TROEventRepository; const SessionID: TGUID)
- Multicast Events
- Session Management
- TROEventRepository
- TROEventReceiver
- IOlympia
- IROValidatedSessionsChangesListener
- IOlympiaEvents