

This exception is raised by servers requiring authentication, for example implemented using the Remoting SDK standard authentication pattern, to indicate that no session exists on the server yet, and a login is needed. This can happen automatically, when the RequiresSession property of a remote service is set, or manually, as needed. Client channels have special logic in place to catch this exception and fire a OnLoginNeeded event, which can be handled to perform a login on the fly and restart the failed request.

Please refer to the Authentication and Login topic for a more detailed exploration of the login and authentication mechanisms used by the Remoting SDK.



Assign  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Copies data from a given source.

procedure Assign(Source: EROException)


  • Source:

Clone    (declared in EROException)

function Clone: EROException

GetAttributeCount  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Returns the number of custom attributes defined for the class. The code generator always overrides this method to return actual data for the certain class.

This method is for internal use for SOAP processing.

class function GetAttributeCount: Integer

GetAttributeName  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Returns the name of custom attribute defined for the class, with the specified index. The code generator always overrides this method to return actual data for the certain class.

This method is for internal use for SOAP processing.

class function GetAttributeName(aIndex: Integer): string


  • aIndex: The index of attribute.

GetAttributeValue  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Returns the value of custom attribute defined for the class, with the specified index. The code generator always overrides this method to return actual data for the certain class.

This method is for internal use for SOAP processing.

class function GetAttributeValue(aIndex: Integer): string


  • aIndex: The index of attribute.

ReadException  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Deserializes the exception instance from the serializer object. The code generator always overrides this method. The method is called intenally, users have no need to call it.

procedure ReadException(aSerializer: TROBaseSerializer)


  • aSerializer: The serializer object containing the exception to read.

TryGetAttribute    (declared in EROException)

class function TryGetAttribute(aName: string; out aValue: string): Boolean


  • aName:
  • aValue:

WriteException  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Deserializes the exception instance from the serializer object. The code generator always overrides this method. The method is called intenally, users have no need to call it.

procedure WriteException(aSerializer: TROBaseSerializer)


  • aSerializer: The serializer object containing the exception to read.


GetAttributeCount  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Returns the number of custom attributes defined for the class. The code generator always overrides this method to return actual data for the certain class.

This method is for internal use for SOAP processing.

class function GetAttributeCount: Integer

GetAttributeName  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Returns the name of custom attribute defined for the class, with the specified index. The code generator always overrides this method to return actual data for the certain class.

This method is for internal use for SOAP processing.

class function GetAttributeName(aIndex: Integer): string


  • aIndex: The index of attribute.

GetAttributeValue  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Returns the value of custom attribute defined for the class, with the specified index. The code generator always overrides this method to return actual data for the certain class.

This method is for internal use for SOAP processing.

class function GetAttributeValue(aIndex: Integer): string


  • aIndex: The index of attribute.

TryGetAttribute    (declared in EROException)

class function TryGetAttribute(aName: string; out aValue: string): Boolean


  • aName:
  • aValue:


Assign  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Copies data from a given source.

procedure Assign(Source: EROException)


  • Source:

Clone    (declared in EROException)

function Clone: EROException

ReadException  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Deserializes the exception instance from the serializer object. The code generator always overrides this method. The method is called intenally, users have no need to call it.

procedure ReadException(aSerializer: TROBaseSerializer)


  • aSerializer: The serializer object containing the exception to read.

WriteException  virtual    (declared in EROException)

Deserializes the exception instance from the serializer object. The code generator always overrides this method. The method is called intenally, users have no need to call it.

procedure WriteException(aSerializer: TROBaseSerializer)


  • aSerializer: The serializer object containing the exception to read.