
The TROJSONProperty class represents a JSON named value i.e. a name-value pair. It is implemented as a value class (TROJSONValue) extension, see the ancestor's documentation for more information.
Users are not required to deal with JSON directly, so they usually don't need to use this class.



constructor Create (TROJSONDataType)  reintroduce overload    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Creates a new object instance and specifies the data type to store in it.

constructor Create(aType: TROJSONDataType)


constructor Create (TCollection)  overload override    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Creates a new object instance and specifies the owning collection for it.

constructor Create(Collection: TCollection)


AsArray    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as JSON array.

property AsArray: TROJSONArray read write

AsBoolean    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as boolean.

property AsBoolean: Boolean read write

AsJSON    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Returns object as JSON string

property AsJSON: JSON_String read

AsNumber    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as number. The Variant data type is used to store the number.

property AsNumber: Variant read write

AsObject    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as a JSON object.

property AsObject: TROJSONObject read write

AsString    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as string.

property AsString: JSON_String read write

Clear    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Empties the object. It will contain the value equivalent to NULL after this call.

procedure Clear

IntLoadFromStream  protected override

This method is overridden to support the Name deserialization.

procedure IntLoadFromStream(Source: TStream)


  • Source: Source stream to deserialize from

IsArray    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Checks if value is embedded array

function IsArray: Boolean

IsBoolean    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsBoolean: Boolean

IsNull    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Checks if value is Null

function IsNull: Boolean

IsNumber    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsNumber: Boolean

IsObject    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsObject: Boolean

IsString    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsString: Boolean

LoadFromStream    (declared in TROJSONValue)

This internal method may be overriden in descendants to implement a specific object deserialization from the stream. Called by the LoadFromStream method.

procedure LoadFromStream(Source: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Source: Source stream
  • aUTF8Stream: When set to true, the object will use UTF-8 encoding when deserializing the data.


Loads object from stream

procedure LoadValueFromStream(Source: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Source:
  • aUTF8Stream:


Stores the name part of the name-value pair.

property Name: JSON_String read write

SaveToStream    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Saves object to stream

procedure SaveToStream(Dest: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Dest: Dest stream
  • aUTF8Stream: Should be UTF-8 encoding used or not

SaveToStreamWithIndent    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Saves object to stream with indent

procedure SaveToStreamWithIndent(Dest: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Dest: Dest stream
  • aUTF8Stream: Should be UTF-8 encoding used or not


Saves object to stream

procedure SaveValueToStream(Dest: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Dest:
  • aUTF8Stream:

SetAsNull    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Sets the NULL value to the object, this is equivalent to the Clear call.

procedure SetAsNull

ValueType    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Allows to get the data type (TROJSONDataType value) that is currently stored in the object.

property ValueType: TROJSONDataType read

VarValue    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as a Variant.

property VarValue: Variant read write


AsArray    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as JSON array.

property AsArray: TROJSONArray read write

AsBoolean    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as boolean.

property AsBoolean: Boolean read write

AsJSON    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Returns object as JSON string

property AsJSON: JSON_String read

AsNumber    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as number. The Variant data type is used to store the number.

property AsNumber: Variant read write

AsObject    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as a JSON object.

property AsObject: TROJSONObject read write

AsString    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as string.

property AsString: JSON_String read write


Stores the name part of the name-value pair.

property Name: JSON_String read write

ValueType    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Allows to get the data type (TROJSONDataType value) that is currently stored in the object.

property ValueType: TROJSONDataType read

VarValue    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Reads and writes the value as a Variant.

property VarValue: Variant read write


constructor Create (TROJSONDataType)  reintroduce overload    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Creates a new object instance and specifies the data type to store in it.

constructor Create(aType: TROJSONDataType)


constructor Create (TCollection)  overload override    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Creates a new object instance and specifies the owning collection for it.

constructor Create(Collection: TCollection)


Clear    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Empties the object. It will contain the value equivalent to NULL after this call.

procedure Clear

IntLoadFromStream  protected override

This method is overridden to support the Name deserialization.

procedure IntLoadFromStream(Source: TStream)


  • Source: Source stream to deserialize from

IsArray    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Checks if value is embedded array

function IsArray: Boolean

IsBoolean    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsBoolean: Boolean

IsNull    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Checks if value is Null

function IsNull: Boolean

IsNumber    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsNumber: Boolean

IsObject    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsObject: Boolean

IsString    (declared in TROJSONValue)

function IsString: Boolean

LoadFromStream    (declared in TROJSONValue)

This internal method may be overriden in descendants to implement a specific object deserialization from the stream. Called by the LoadFromStream method.

procedure LoadFromStream(Source: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Source: Source stream
  • aUTF8Stream: When set to true, the object will use UTF-8 encoding when deserializing the data.


Loads object from stream

procedure LoadValueFromStream(Source: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Source:
  • aUTF8Stream:

SaveToStream    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Saves object to stream

procedure SaveToStream(Dest: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Dest: Dest stream
  • aUTF8Stream: Should be UTF-8 encoding used or not

SaveToStreamWithIndent    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Saves object to stream with indent

procedure SaveToStreamWithIndent(Dest: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Dest: Dest stream
  • aUTF8Stream: Should be UTF-8 encoding used or not


Saves object to stream

procedure SaveValueToStream(Dest: TStream; aUTF8Stream: Boolean)


  • Dest:
  • aUTF8Stream:

SetAsNull    (declared in TROJSONValue)

Sets the NULL value to the object, this is equivalent to the Clear call.

procedure SetAsNull