

ROEventWriter forms the base interface for Event Sink proxies on the RODL-based server. It contains a number of properties that allow you to control how events are dispatched to clients.




Specifies whether the sender that originated the event will be included in the list of recipients. If set to true (default), an event will be dispatched to all registered recipients except the one that originated the event (i.e. in whose session context the event is being fired).

property ExcludeSender: Boolean read write


Allows to optionally specify a list of recipient session IDs that should not receive the event.

property ExcludeSessionList: Boolean read write


Allows to optionally specify a list of recipient session IDs that should receive the event. If empty, the event will be sent to all registered clients (except those listed in the ExcludeSessionList property).

property SessionList: TStrings read