IROEventRepository is a base interface that provides methods for storing events in repository. In Remoting SDK, this interface is used by descendants of the TROEventWriter to store event data.
There is no need to use this interface directly since it is already implemented by the TROEventRepository class (a base class for all Remoting SDK event repositories).
- Unit: uROEventRepository.pas
- Ancestry: IROEventRepository
Required Methods
AddSession (TGUID) overload
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID)
- aSessionID: Session ID
AddSession (TGUID, string) overload
Performs registration of a given session.
procedure AddSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
Searches for events data for the given session ID, and, if found, writes it into the TargetStream
function GetEventData(SessionID: TGUID; var TargetStream: TROBinaryMemoryStream): Integer
- SessionID: Contains the ID that uniquely identifies the session.
- TargetStream: Binary stream where the events data is stored
RemoveSession (TGUID) overload
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure RemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID)
- aSessionID: Session ID
RemoveSession (TGUID, string) overload
Removes a given session from the list of registered sessions.
procedure RemoveSession(aSessionID: TGUID; aEventSinkId: string)
- aSessionID: Session ID
- aEventSinkId: Event sink
StoreEventData (TGUID, TROBinaryMemoryStream, Boolean, Boolean, string) overload
Stores the provided event data in the repository.
procedure StoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string)
- SourceSessionID: Session ID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
StoreEventData (TGUID, TROBinaryMemoryStream, Boolean, Boolean, string, string) overload
Stores the provided event data in the repository.
procedure StoreEventData(SourceSessionID: TGUID; Data: TROBinaryMemoryStream; const ExcludeSender: Boolean; const ExcludeSessionList: Boolean; const SessionList: string; const EventSinkId: string)
- SourceSessionID: Session ID
- Data: Event data container
- ExcludeSender: If true, the
will be excluded from the destination list. - ExcludeSessionList: If true, the
will be used as an exclusion list, otherwise as an inclusion list. - SessionList: Comma delimited list of session GUIDs
- EventSinkId: Event sink