

This class forms the base for proxy classes in the _Async units generated from your RODL.



constructor Create (IROMessage, IROTransportChannel)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const aMessage: IROMessage; const aTransportChannel: IROTransportChannel)


  • aMessage: Message
  • aTransportChannel: Channel

constructor Create (string, IROMessage, IROTransportChannel)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessage: IROMessage; const aTransportChannel: IROTransportChannel)


  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessage: Message
  • aTransportChannel: Channel

constructor Create (string, TROUri, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const anInterfaceName: string; const aUri: TROUri; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aUri: Target URI
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace

constructor Create (string, string, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const anInterfaceName: string; const aUrl: string; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aUrl: Target URL
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace

constructor Create (TROUri, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const aUri: TROUri; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • aUri: Target URI
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace

constructor Create (string, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const aUrl: string; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • aUrl: Target URL
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace

CloneMessage    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Controls which message instance will be used for remote requests. The value of this property affects TROBaseProxy.__GetMessage behavior, when set to true it will clone the message instance every time before making a remote request. Cloning the message helps to avoid conflicts in multithreaded environment (e.g. when TROEventReceiver is used).

property CloneMessage: Boolean read write default True

NewInstance  override    (declared in TROInterfacedObject)

Creates and returns a new instance of the interfaced object, initializing its reference counter with 1.

class function NewInstance: TObject

RefCount    (declared in TROInterfacedObject)

Provides read-only access to the reference counter. When this value reaches zero, the object is freed.

property RefCount: Integer read


CloneMessage    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Controls which message instance will be used for remote requests. The value of this property affects TROBaseProxy.__GetMessage behavior, when set to true it will clone the message instance every time before making a remote request. Cloning the message helps to avoid conflicts in multithreaded environment (e.g. when TROEventReceiver is used).

property CloneMessage: Boolean read write default True

RefCount    (declared in TROInterfacedObject)

Provides read-only access to the reference counter. When this value reaches zero, the object is freed.

property RefCount: Integer read


NewInstance  override    (declared in TROInterfacedObject)

Creates and returns a new instance of the interfaced object, initializing its reference counter with 1.

class function NewInstance: TObject


constructor Create (IROMessage, IROTransportChannel)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const aMessage: IROMessage; const aTransportChannel: IROTransportChannel)


  • aMessage: Message
  • aTransportChannel: Channel

constructor Create (string, IROMessage, IROTransportChannel)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessage: IROMessage; const aTransportChannel: IROTransportChannel)


  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessage: Message
  • aTransportChannel: Channel

constructor Create (string, TROUri, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const anInterfaceName: string; const aUri: TROUri; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aUri: Target URI
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace

constructor Create (string, string, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const anInterfaceName: string; const aUrl: string; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aUrl: Target URL
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace

constructor Create (TROUri, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const aUri: TROUri; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • aUri: Target URI
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace

constructor Create (string, string)  overload virtual    (declared in TROBaseProxy)

Creates a new instance with given parameters.

constructor Create(const aUrl: string; aDefaultNameSpaces: string)


  • aUrl: Target URL
  • aDefaultNameSpaces: Default namespace