TROServer is the common base class for all server channel implementations in the Remoting SDK.
You will not use instances of this class directly, but work with the descendant server implementations. See Channels for a complete overview of available channels and servers.
- Unit: uROServer.pas
- Ancestry: TComponent | TROComponent | TROBaseConnection | TROServer
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Toggles whether the server ready to receive requests from clients. Depending on the server type, changing this property might open/close a network socket or otherwise toggle whether the server will process incoming requests.
property Active: Boolean read write default False
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
CheckProperties virtual
Validates the server properties.
procedure CheckProperties
DecryptStream (TStream, TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Decrypt stream
procedure DecryptStream(const Source: TStream; const Dest: TStream)
- Source: Source
- Dest: Destination
DecryptStream (TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Decrypt stream
procedure DecryptStream(const Stream: TStream)
- Stream: Stream
DefaultResponse protected
Holds the message that will be sent back to the client if it improperly "welcomes" the server.
property DefaultResponse: string read write
Specifies how incoming requests will be processed and dispatched. Depending on the server type, one or multiple dispatchers can be configured to receive messages from the client. Each dispatcher consists of a Message and an optional Name. Also, each dispatcher can be individually enabled or disabled. Each server must have at least one dispatcher configured, in order to be able to process messages.
=Essential Sub-Properties=
- Message specifies the message format to be used for this dispatcher.
- Name specifies the name, or possibly the URL for the dispatcher.
In HTTP based servers (such as the TROIndyHTTPServer, the Name will be appended as folder to the server URL allowing the server to make multiple dispatchers available at different URLs.
property Dispatchers: TROMessageDispatchers read write
DispatchMessage (IROTransport, TStream, TStream): Boolean protected overload
function DispatchMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; aRequestStream: TStream; aResponseStream: TStream): Boolean
- aTransport:
- aRequestStream:
- aResponseStream:
DispatchMessage (IROTransport, TStream, TStream, TROResponseOptions): Boolean protected overload
function DispatchMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; aRequestStream: TStream; aResponseStream: TStream; out oResponseOptions: TROResponseOptions): Boolean
- aTransport:
- aRequestStream:
- aResponseStream:
- oResponseOptions:
DoBeforeDecryptEvent protected virtual (declared in TROBaseConnection) obsolete
procedure DoBeforeDecryptEvent(aEncryptedStream: TStream)
- aEncryptedStream: Stream
Encryption (declared in TROBaseConnection) obsolete
This is DES based enscryption, it is obsolete because works only for Delphi. Use message envelope AES Encryption Envelope instead.
property Encryption: TROEncryption read write
EncryptStream (TStream, TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Encrypt stream
procedure EncryptStream(const Source: TStream; const Dest: TStream)
- Source: Source
- Dest: Destination
EncryptStream (TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Encrypt stream
procedure EncryptStream(const Stream: TStream)
- Stream: Stream
GetDispatchersClass protected virtual
Returns TROMessageDispatchers class
function GetDispatchersClass: TROMessageDispatchersClass
GetRODLReader protected
function GetRODLReader: TROCustomRODLReader
GetSecure protected virtual
Returns SSL state
function GetSecure: Boolean
GetServerType protected virtual
Returns current server type
function GetServerType: TROServerType
GetServiceMetaData protected
function GetServiceMetaData(aServiceName: string; aOptions: string; out aContentType: string): TStream
- aServiceName:
- aOptions:
- aContentType:
GetTransportObject protected
Returns itself.
function GetTransportObject: TObject
IntDispatchMessage protected
function IntDispatchMessage(Dispatcher: TROMessageDispatcher; const aTransport: IROTransport; aRequestStream: TStream; aResponseStream: TStream; out oResponseOptions: TROResponseOptions): Boolean
- Dispatcher:
- aTransport:
- aRequestStream:
- aResponseStream:
- oResponseOptions:
IsEncryptionUsed protected (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Checks if encryption was used
function IsEncryptionUsed: Boolean
IsServiceAllowed protected
function IsServiceAllowed(Value: string): Boolean
- Value:
IsStreamEncrypted protected (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Checks state of stream
function IsStreamEncrypted(Source: TStream): Boolean
- Source: Stream
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
OnAfterEncrypt (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Fired after stream was encrypted
property OnAfterEncrypt: TROBaseConnectionOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterEncrypt(Sender: TROBaseConnection; aEncryptedStream: TStream)
Fires after the server has been activated.
property OnAfterServerActivate: TNotifyEvent read write
Fires after the server has been deactivated. You can use this event handler to perform any cleanup you might need after the server has stopped processing new requests.
property OnAfterServerDeactivate: TNotifyEvent read write
OnBeforeDecrypt (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Fired before stream will be decrypted
property OnBeforeDecrypt: TROBaseConnectionOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDecrypt(Sender: TROBaseConnection; aEncryptedStream: TStream)
Fires just before the server is activated. You can use this event handler to perform any initialization you might need before the server starts processing new requests.
property OnBeforeServerActivate: TNotifyEvent read write
Fires just before the server is deactivated. You can use this event handler to perform any cleanup you might need before the server stops processing new requests.
property OnBeforeServerDeactivate: TNotifyEvent read write
property OnGetRODLReader: TROGetRODLReader read write
delegate: procedure OnGetRODLReader(Sender: TROServer; var aRODLReader: TROCustomRODLReader)
Fires after a stream with a request message has been received from the client. The event handler can inspect and possibly modify the stream, before it continues to be processed by the higher levels of the Remoting SDK framework.
property OnReadFromStream: TStreamOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnReadFromStream(aStream: TStream)
Fires just before a stream with a response message is sent back to the client. The event handler can inspect and possibly modify the stream, before it continues to be sent off to the client.
property OnWriteToStream: TStreamOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnWriteToStream(aStream: TStream)
Port protected
The network socket where the server will be listening
property Port: Integer read write
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
Specifies whether the server will make the contained RODL file available to clients (true, default) or not. Keep this property set to true if clients need to access the RODL (or WSDL), for example so that third parties (including Service Tester) can import services. Set it to false if you do not want to provide this information, for example for security reasons.
property ServeRodl: Boolean read write default True
Allows to get/set Service Groups
property ServiceGroup: string read write
TriggerReadFromStream protected
Fires the OnReadFromStream event
procedure TriggerReadFromStream(aSource: TStream)
- aSource: stream
TriggerWriteToStream protected
Fires the OnReadFromStream event
procedure TriggerWriteToStream(aDest: TStream)
- aDest: stream
Toggles whether the server ready to receive requests from clients. Depending on the server type, changing this property might open/close a network socket or otherwise toggle whether the server will process incoming requests.
property Active: Boolean read write default False
DefaultResponse protected
Holds the message that will be sent back to the client if it improperly "welcomes" the server.
property DefaultResponse: string read write
Specifies how incoming requests will be processed and dispatched. Depending on the server type, one or multiple dispatchers can be configured to receive messages from the client. Each dispatcher consists of a Message and an optional Name. Also, each dispatcher can be individually enabled or disabled. Each server must have at least one dispatcher configured, in order to be able to process messages.
=Essential Sub-Properties=
- Message specifies the message format to be used for this dispatcher.
- Name specifies the name, or possibly the URL for the dispatcher.
In HTTP based servers (such as the TROIndyHTTPServer, the Name will be appended as folder to the server URL allowing the server to make multiple dispatchers available at different URLs.
property Dispatchers: TROMessageDispatchers read write
Encryption (declared in TROBaseConnection) obsolete
This is DES based enscryption, it is obsolete because works only for Delphi. Use message envelope AES Encryption Envelope instead.
property Encryption: TROEncryption read write
Port protected
The network socket where the server will be listening
property Port: Integer read write
Specifies whether the server will make the contained RODL file available to clients (true, default) or not. Keep this property set to true if clients need to access the RODL (or WSDL), for example so that third parties (including Service Tester) can import services. Set it to false if you do not want to provide this information, for example for security reasons.
property ServeRodl: Boolean read write default True
Allows to get/set Service Groups
property ServiceGroup: string read write
constructor Create override
Standard component constructor
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent)
- aOwner: Owner
Assign override
Copies the contents of another, similar object.
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent)
- Source: Instance whose properties will be copied
CheckProperties virtual
Validates the server properties.
procedure CheckProperties
DecryptStream (TStream, TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Decrypt stream
procedure DecryptStream(const Source: TStream; const Dest: TStream)
- Source: Source
- Dest: Destination
DecryptStream (TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Decrypt stream
procedure DecryptStream(const Stream: TStream)
- Stream: Stream
DispatchMessage (IROTransport, TStream, TStream): Boolean protected overload
function DispatchMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; aRequestStream: TStream; aResponseStream: TStream): Boolean
- aTransport:
- aRequestStream:
- aResponseStream:
DispatchMessage (IROTransport, TStream, TStream, TROResponseOptions): Boolean protected overload
function DispatchMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; aRequestStream: TStream; aResponseStream: TStream; out oResponseOptions: TROResponseOptions): Boolean
- aTransport:
- aRequestStream:
- aResponseStream:
- oResponseOptions:
DoBeforeDecryptEvent protected virtual (declared in TROBaseConnection) obsolete
procedure DoBeforeDecryptEvent(aEncryptedStream: TStream)
- aEncryptedStream: Stream
EncryptStream (TStream, TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Encrypt stream
procedure EncryptStream(const Source: TStream; const Dest: TStream)
- Source: Source
- Dest: Destination
EncryptStream (TStream) protected overload (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Encrypt stream
procedure EncryptStream(const Stream: TStream)
- Stream: Stream
GetDispatchersClass protected virtual
Returns TROMessageDispatchers class
function GetDispatchersClass: TROMessageDispatchersClass
GetRODLReader protected
function GetRODLReader: TROCustomRODLReader
GetSecure protected virtual
Returns SSL state
function GetSecure: Boolean
GetServerType protected virtual
Returns current server type
function GetServerType: TROServerType
GetServiceMetaData protected
function GetServiceMetaData(aServiceName: string; aOptions: string; out aContentType: string): TStream
- aServiceName:
- aOptions:
- aContentType:
GetTransportObject protected
Returns itself.
function GetTransportObject: TObject
IntDispatchMessage protected
function IntDispatchMessage(Dispatcher: TROMessageDispatcher; const aTransport: IROTransport; aRequestStream: TStream; aResponseStream: TStream; out oResponseOptions: TROResponseOptions): Boolean
- Dispatcher:
- aTransport:
- aRequestStream:
- aResponseStream:
- oResponseOptions:
IsEncryptionUsed protected (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Checks if encryption was used
function IsEncryptionUsed: Boolean
IsServiceAllowed protected
function IsServiceAllowed(Value: string): Boolean
- Value:
IsStreamEncrypted protected (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Checks state of stream
function IsStreamEncrypted(Source: TStream): Boolean
- Source: Stream
Notification protected override
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation)
- AComponent: component
- Operation: operation
ROFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure ROFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
RORemoveFreeNotification (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure RORemoveFreeNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
SendRemoveNotification protected (declared in TROComponent)
Forwards notification messages to all owned components.
procedure SendRemoveNotification(aComponent: TComponent)
- aComponent: component
TriggerReadFromStream protected
Fires the OnReadFromStream event
procedure TriggerReadFromStream(aSource: TStream)
- aSource: stream
TriggerWriteToStream protected
Fires the OnReadFromStream event
procedure TriggerWriteToStream(aDest: TStream)
- aDest: stream
OnAfterEncrypt (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Fired after stream was encrypted
property OnAfterEncrypt: TROBaseConnectionOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnAfterEncrypt(Sender: TROBaseConnection; aEncryptedStream: TStream)
Fires after the server has been activated.
property OnAfterServerActivate: TNotifyEvent read write
Fires after the server has been deactivated. You can use this event handler to perform any cleanup you might need after the server has stopped processing new requests.
property OnAfterServerDeactivate: TNotifyEvent read write
OnBeforeDecrypt (declared in TROBaseConnection)
Fired before stream will be decrypted
property OnBeforeDecrypt: TROBaseConnectionOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnBeforeDecrypt(Sender: TROBaseConnection; aEncryptedStream: TStream)
Fires just before the server is activated. You can use this event handler to perform any initialization you might need before the server starts processing new requests.
property OnBeforeServerActivate: TNotifyEvent read write
Fires just before the server is deactivated. You can use this event handler to perform any cleanup you might need before the server stops processing new requests.
property OnBeforeServerDeactivate: TNotifyEvent read write
property OnGetRODLReader: TROGetRODLReader read write
delegate: procedure OnGetRODLReader(Sender: TROServer; var aRODLReader: TROCustomRODLReader)
Fires after a stream with a request message has been received from the client. The event handler can inspect and possibly modify the stream, before it continues to be processed by the higher levels of the Remoting SDK framework.
property OnReadFromStream: TStreamOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnReadFromStream(aStream: TStream)
Fires just before a stream with a response message is sent back to the client. The event handler can inspect and possibly modify the stream, before it continues to be sent off to the client.
property OnWriteToStream: TStreamOperation read write
delegate: procedure OnWriteToStream(aStream: TStream)