

IROMessage descendant, contains methods declarations for TROBinMessage.



ApplyAttributes2    (declared in IROMessage)

Sets SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)

procedure ApplyAttributes2

ApplyAttributes2_Transport    (declared in IROMessage)

Sets transport related attributes (SOAP message only)

procedure ApplyAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)


  • aTransport: Transport channel

CanRemapParameters    (declared in IROMessage)

function CanRemapParameters: Boolean

ClientID    (declared in IROMessage)

Provides access to the ClientID read from the message. See event dispatching for a usage example.

property ClientID: TGUID read write


Size of the buffer used for compression (default is 256 kilobytes).

Increasing the buffer increases compression performance for large messages, but it also increases memory footprint. The best performance is reached with a buffer that's large enough for the maximum expected message size.

property CompressionBufferSize: Integer read write

Finalize    (declared in IROMessage)

Ensures that the message content is complete before sending it by performing all necessary final processing. This method is called after all parameters have been written to a message and before the message will be sent. It should perform all necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream will produce a complete message.

procedure Finalize

FreeStream    (declared in IROMessage)

Destroys stream

procedure FreeStream

GetEnvelopes    (declared in IROMessage)

Envelopes collection.

function GetEnvelopes: TCollection

Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, string, TMessageType)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes the message with the given parameters.

procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name
  • aType: Message type

Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, TMessageType)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes the message with the given parameters.

procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name
  • aType: Message type

InitializeEventMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes an Event message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeEventMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

InitializeExceptionMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes an Exception message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeExceptionMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

InitializeRead    (declared in IROMessage)

Performs additional initialization before reading.

procedure InitializeRead(const aTransport: IROTransport)


InitializeRequestMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes a mtRequest message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeRequestMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

InitializeResponseMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes a mtResponse message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeResponseMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

InterfaceName    (declared in IROMessage)

Contains the name of the interface or service that is to be or was called on the server.

property InterfaceName: string read write

MaxEventsPerPoll    (declared in IROMessage)

Gets or sets the maximum number of messages to receive with one message call.

If a poll indicates that more messages have been queued than could be retrieved in a single call, subsequent calls are initiated immediately to receive all messages.

property MaxEventsPerPoll: Integer read

MessageName    (declared in IROMessage)

Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method name) that is to be or was called on the server.

property MessageName: string read write

MessageType    (declared in IROMessage)

Type of the message represented by the message instance.

property MessageType: TMessageType read


Minimum size for a message before compression is applied (default is 4096 bytes). Messages below this threshold are sent uncompressed, as the overhead of compressing and decompressing the data would likely outweigh the gain of having an only slightly smaller packet on the network.

property MinSizeForCompression: Integer read write

Read    (declared in IROMessage)

The general method to read any data.

procedure Read(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the data to read.
  • Ptr: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ExtraAttributes: Set of TParamAttribute

ReadArray    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads an array value.

function ReadArray(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadArrayWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads an array value.

function ReadArrayWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBinary    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Binary value.

procedure ReadBinary(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBinaryWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Binary value.

procedure ReadBinaryWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TROBinaryMemoryStream; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Boolean value.

procedure ReadBoolean(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBooleanWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Boolean value.

procedure ReadBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Boolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Currency value.

procedure ReadCurrency(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadCurrencyWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Currency value.

procedure ReadCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Currency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a TDateTime value.

procedure ReadDateTime(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDateTimeWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a TDateTime value.

procedure ReadDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Decimal value.

procedure ReadDecimal(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Decimal value.

procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Decimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling_cpp    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Decimal value, C++Builder version

procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling_cpp(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDouble_    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDouble_(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, TFloatType, , Integer)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, Double, Integer)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Double; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadEnumerated    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadEnumeratedWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadEnumeratedWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadExceptionWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Exception value.

procedure ReadExceptionWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadFromStream (TStream)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the content of the message to aStream.

procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream)


  • Source: stream

ReadFromStream (TStream, Boolean)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the content of the message to aStream.

procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream; var aFreeStream: Boolean)


  • Source: stream
  • aFreeStream: free stream

ReadGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a GUID value.

procedure ReadGuid(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadGuidWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a GUID value.

procedure ReadGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Guid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt32    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value.

procedure ReadInt32(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt32WithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value.

procedure ReadInt32WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Integer; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Int64 value.

procedure ReadInt64(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt64WithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Int64 value.

procedure ReadInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Int64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).

procedure ReadInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadIntegerWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).

procedure ReadIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadLegacyString    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.

procedure ReadLegacyString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadLegacyStringWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.

procedure ReadLegacyStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: string; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadNullableBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableBoolean value.

procedure ReadNullableBoolean(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableBooleanWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableBoolean value.

procedure ReadNullableBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableCurrency value.

procedure ReadNullableCurrency(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableCurrencyWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableCurrency value.

procedure ReadNullableCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDateTime value.

procedure ReadNullableDateTime(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDateTimeWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDateTime value.

procedure ReadNullableDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDecimal value.

procedure ReadNullableDecimal(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDecimalWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDecimal value.

procedure ReadNullableDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDouble value.

procedure ReadNullableDouble(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDoubleWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDouble value.

procedure ReadNullableDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableGuid value.

procedure ReadNullableGuid(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableGuidWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableGuid value.

procedure ReadNullableGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInt64 value.

procedure ReadNullableInt64(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableInt64WithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInt64 value.

procedure ReadNullableInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInteger value.

procedure ReadNullableInteger(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableIntegerWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInteger value.

procedure ReadNullableIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadStruct    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Struct value.

function ReadStruct(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadStructWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Struct value.

function ReadStructWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadUnicodeString    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads unicode string from stream

procedure ReadUnicodeString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadUnicodeStringWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads unicode string from stream

procedure ReadUnicodeStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: UnicodeString; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadVariant    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Variant value.

procedure ReadVariant(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadVariantWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Variant value.

procedure ReadVariantWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadXml    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a XML value.

procedure ReadXml(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadXmlWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a XML value.

procedure ReadXmlWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: IXMLNode; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

RemapParameters    (declared in IROMessage)

procedure RemapParameters(const Parameters: array of string)


  • Parameters:

SetAttributes    (declared in IROMessage)

Sets additional information.

procedure SetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport; const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)


  • aTransport: Transport channel
  • aNames: Names
  • aValues: Values

SetAutoGeneratedNamespaces    (declared in IROMessage)

procedure SetAutoGeneratedNamespaces(aValue: string)


  • aValue:

SetDefaultNamespaces    (declared in IROMessage)

procedure SetDefaultNamespaces(aValue: string)


  • aValue:

StoreAttributes2    (declared in IROMessage)

Stores SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)

procedure StoreAttributes2(const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)


  • aNames: Names
  • aValues: Values



property Stream: TStream read

UnsetAttributes    (declared in IROMessage)

Clears additional information.

procedure UnsetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport)


  • aTransport: Transport channel

UnsetAttributes2    (declared in IROMessage)

Clears additional information.

procedure UnsetAttributes2

UnsetAttributes2_Transport    (declared in IROMessage)

Clears additional information.

procedure UnsetAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)


  • aTransport: Transport channel


Toggles whether outgoing messages will be automatically compressed if they exceed a specific size.

property UseCompression: Boolean read write


Indicates when a message was compressed.

property WasCompressed: Boolean read

Write    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the value of the aName parameter from Ptr with the given aTypeInfo and ExtraAttributes to the message.

procedure Write(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aTypeInfo: RTI
  • Ptr: Pointer to the source variable
  • ExtraAttributes: set of TParamAttribute

WriteArray    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes an array value.

procedure WriteArray(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • aClass: Class of the object to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteBinary    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Binary value.

procedure WriteBinary(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Boolean value.

procedure WriteBoolean(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Currency value.

procedure WriteCurrency(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a TDateTime value.

procedure WriteDateTime(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Decimal value.

procedure WriteDecimal(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Double value.

procedure WriteDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point data type to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDouble_    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Double value.

procedure WriteDouble_(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteEnumerated    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes an enumerated value.

procedure WriteEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information of the enumerated type.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteException    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the exception to stream

procedure WriteException(Dest: TStream; anException: Exception)


  • Dest: stream
  • anException: free stream

WriteGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a GUID value.

procedure WriteGuid(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteInt32    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Integer value.

procedure WriteInt32(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Int64 value.

procedure WriteInt64(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Integer value (32 bits or less).

procedure WriteInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer data type to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteLegacyString    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.

procedure WriteLegacyString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be written (AnsiString or UTF8String)
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableBoolean value.

procedure WriteNullableBoolean(const aName: string; aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableCurrency value.

procedure WriteNullableCurrency(const aName: string; aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableDateTime value.

procedure WriteNullableDateTime(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableDecimal value.

procedure WriteNullableDecimal(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableDouble value.

procedure WriteNullableDouble(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableGuid value.

procedure WriteNullableGuid(const aName: string; aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableInt64 value.

procedure WriteNullableInt64(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableInteger value.

procedure WriteNullableInteger(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteStruct    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Struct value.

procedure WriteStruct(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • aClass: Class of the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteToStream    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the content of the message to aStream.

procedure WriteToStream(Dest: TStream)


  • Dest: stream

WriteUnicodeString    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a WideString value.

procedure WriteUnicodeString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteVariant    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Variant value to the message.

procedure WriteVariant(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteXml    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a XML value.

procedure WriteXml(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.


ClientID    (declared in IROMessage)

Provides access to the ClientID read from the message. See event dispatching for a usage example.

property ClientID: TGUID read write


Size of the buffer used for compression (default is 256 kilobytes).

Increasing the buffer increases compression performance for large messages, but it also increases memory footprint. The best performance is reached with a buffer that's large enough for the maximum expected message size.

property CompressionBufferSize: Integer read write

InterfaceName    (declared in IROMessage)

Contains the name of the interface or service that is to be or was called on the server.

property InterfaceName: string read write

MaxEventsPerPoll    (declared in IROMessage)

Gets or sets the maximum number of messages to receive with one message call.

If a poll indicates that more messages have been queued than could be retrieved in a single call, subsequent calls are initiated immediately to receive all messages.

property MaxEventsPerPoll: Integer read

MessageName    (declared in IROMessage)

Contains the name of the message (i.e. the method name) that is to be or was called on the server.

property MessageName: string read write

MessageType    (declared in IROMessage)

Type of the message represented by the message instance.

property MessageType: TMessageType read


Minimum size for a message before compression is applied (default is 4096 bytes). Messages below this threshold are sent uncompressed, as the overhead of compressing and decompressing the data would likely outweigh the gain of having an only slightly smaller packet on the network.

property MinSizeForCompression: Integer read write



property Stream: TStream read


Toggles whether outgoing messages will be automatically compressed if they exceed a specific size.

property UseCompression: Boolean read write


Indicates when a message was compressed.

property WasCompressed: Boolean read


ApplyAttributes2    (declared in IROMessage)

Sets SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)

procedure ApplyAttributes2

ApplyAttributes2_Transport    (declared in IROMessage)

Sets transport related attributes (SOAP message only)

procedure ApplyAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)


  • aTransport: Transport channel

CanRemapParameters    (declared in IROMessage)

function CanRemapParameters: Boolean

Finalize    (declared in IROMessage)

Ensures that the message content is complete before sending it by performing all necessary final processing. This method is called after all parameters have been written to a message and before the message will be sent. It should perform all necessary wrap-up to ensure that a subsequent call to WriteToStream will produce a complete message.

procedure Finalize

FreeStream    (declared in IROMessage)

Destroys stream

procedure FreeStream

GetEnvelopes    (declared in IROMessage)

Envelopes collection.

function GetEnvelopes: TCollection

Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, string, TMessageType)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes the message with the given parameters.

procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name
  • aType: Message type

Initialize (IROTransport, string, string, TMessageType)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes the message with the given parameters.

procedure Initialize(const aTransport: IROTransport; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string; aType: TMessageType)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name
  • aType: Message type

InitializeEventMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes an Event message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeEventMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

InitializeExceptionMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes an Exception message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeExceptionMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

InitializeRead    (declared in IROMessage)

Performs additional initialization before reading.

procedure InitializeRead(const aTransport: IROTransport)


InitializeRequestMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes a mtRequest message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeRequestMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

InitializeResponseMessage    (declared in IROMessage)

Initializes a mtResponse message with the given parameters.

procedure InitializeResponseMessage(const aTransport: IROTransport; const aLibraryName: string; const anInterfaceName: string; const aMessageName: string)


  • aTransport: IROTransport
  • aLibraryName: RODL file name
  • anInterfaceName: Interface name
  • aMessageName: Message name

Read    (declared in IROMessage)

The general method to read any data.

procedure Read(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the data to read.
  • Ptr: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ExtraAttributes: Set of TParamAttribute

ReadArray    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads an array value.

function ReadArray(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadArrayWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads an array value.

function ReadArrayWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBinary    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Binary value.

procedure ReadBinary(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBinaryWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Binary value.

procedure ReadBinaryWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TROBinaryMemoryStream; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Boolean value.

procedure ReadBoolean(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadBooleanWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Boolean value.

procedure ReadBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Boolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Currency value.

procedure ReadCurrency(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadCurrencyWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Currency value.

procedure ReadCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Currency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a TDateTime value.

procedure ReadDateTime(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDateTimeWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a TDateTime value.

procedure ReadDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: TDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Decimal value.

procedure ReadDecimal(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Decimal value.

procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Decimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling_cpp    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Decimal value, C++Builder version

procedure ReadDecimalWithErrorHandling_cpp(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDouble_    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDouble_(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, TFloatType, , Integer)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling (string, Double, Integer)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Double; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadEnumerated    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadEnumeratedWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Double value.

procedure ReadEnumeratedWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information for the enuymerated type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadExceptionWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Exception value.

procedure ReadExceptionWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadFromStream (TStream)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the content of the message to aStream.

procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream)


  • Source: stream

ReadFromStream (TStream, Boolean)  overload    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the content of the message to aStream.

procedure ReadFromStream(Source: TStream; var aFreeStream: Boolean)


  • Source: stream
  • aFreeStream: free stream

ReadGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a GUID value.

procedure ReadGuid(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadGuidWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a GUID value.

procedure ReadGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Guid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt32    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value.

procedure ReadInt32(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt32WithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value.

procedure ReadInt32WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Integer; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Int64 value.

procedure ReadInt64(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInt64WithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Int64 value.

procedure ReadInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Int64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).

procedure ReadInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadIntegerWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Integer value (32 bits or less).

procedure ReadIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; out Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer point type to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadLegacyString    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.

procedure ReadLegacyString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadLegacyStringWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.

procedure ReadLegacyStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: string; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be read (AnsiString or UTF8String)
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadNullableBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableBoolean value.

procedure ReadNullableBoolean(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableBooleanWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableBoolean value.

procedure ReadNullableBooleanWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableCurrency value.

procedure ReadNullableCurrency(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableCurrencyWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableCurrency value.

procedure ReadNullableCurrencyWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDateTime value.

procedure ReadNullableDateTime(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDateTimeWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDateTime value.

procedure ReadNullableDateTimeWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDecimal value.

procedure ReadNullableDecimal(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDecimalWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDecimal value.

procedure ReadNullableDecimalWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDouble value.

procedure ReadNullableDouble(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableDoubleWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableDouble value.

procedure ReadNullableDoubleWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableGuid value.

procedure ReadNullableGuid(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableGuidWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableGuid value.

procedure ReadNullableGuidWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInt64 value.

procedure ReadNullableInt64(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableInt64WithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInt64 value.

procedure ReadNullableInt64WithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInteger value.

procedure ReadNullableInteger(const aName: string; out aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aValue: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadNullableIntegerWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a NullableInteger value.

procedure ReadNullableIntegerWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadStruct    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Struct value.

function ReadStruct(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadStructWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Struct value.

function ReadStructWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; aClass: TClass; out Value: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1): Boolean


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • aClass: Class of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadUnicodeString    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads unicode string from stream

procedure ReadUnicodeString(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadUnicodeStringWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads unicode string from stream

procedure ReadUnicodeStringWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: UnicodeString; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1; aMaxLength: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.
  • aMaxLength: Specifies the maximum string length to read, is set to -1 when no restriction is required.

ReadVariant    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Variant value.

procedure ReadVariant(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadVariantWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a Variant value.

procedure ReadVariantWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: Variant; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadXml    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a XML value.

procedure ReadXml(const aName: string; var Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Ref: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

ReadXmlWithErrorHandling    (declared in IROMessage)

Reads a XML value.

procedure ReadXmlWithErrorHandling(const aName: string; out Value: IXMLNode; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to read.
  • Value: Output parameter, should point to the deserialized instance.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object about to be read is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

RemapParameters    (declared in IROMessage)

procedure RemapParameters(const Parameters: array of string)


  • Parameters:

SetAttributes    (declared in IROMessage)

Sets additional information.

procedure SetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport; const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)


  • aTransport: Transport channel
  • aNames: Names
  • aValues: Values

SetAutoGeneratedNamespaces    (declared in IROMessage)

procedure SetAutoGeneratedNamespaces(aValue: string)


  • aValue:

SetDefaultNamespaces    (declared in IROMessage)

procedure SetDefaultNamespaces(aValue: string)


  • aValue:

StoreAttributes2    (declared in IROMessage)

Stores SOAP attributes (SOAP message only)

procedure StoreAttributes2(const aNames: array of string; const aValues: array of string)


  • aNames: Names
  • aValues: Values

UnsetAttributes    (declared in IROMessage)

Clears additional information.

procedure UnsetAttributes(aTransport: IROTransport)


  • aTransport: Transport channel

UnsetAttributes2    (declared in IROMessage)

Clears additional information.

procedure UnsetAttributes2

UnsetAttributes2_Transport    (declared in IROMessage)

Clears additional information.

procedure UnsetAttributes2_Transport(aTransport: IROTransport)


  • aTransport: Transport channel

Write    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the value of the aName parameter from Ptr with the given aTypeInfo and ExtraAttributes to the message.

procedure Write(const aName: string; aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ptr: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aTypeInfo: RTI
  • Ptr: Pointer to the source variable
  • ExtraAttributes: set of TParamAttribute

WriteArray    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes an array value.

procedure WriteArray(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • aClass: Class of the object to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteBinary    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Binary value.

procedure WriteBinary(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Boolean value.

procedure WriteBoolean(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Currency value.

procedure WriteCurrency(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a TDateTime value.

procedure WriteDateTime(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Decimal value.

procedure WriteDecimal(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Double value.

procedure WriteDouble(const aName: string; aFloatType: TFloatType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aFloatType: Specifies the exact floating point data type to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteDouble_    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Double value.

procedure WriteDouble_(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteEnumerated    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes an enumerated value.

procedure WriteEnumerated(const aName: string; anEnumTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • anEnumTypeInfo: Runtime type information of the enumerated type.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteException    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the exception to stream

procedure WriteException(Dest: TStream; anException: Exception)


  • Dest: stream
  • anException: free stream

WriteGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a GUID value.

procedure WriteGuid(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteInt32    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Integer value.

procedure WriteInt32(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Int64 value.

procedure WriteInt64(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Integer value (32 bits or less).

procedure WriteInteger(const aName: string; anOrdType: TOrdType; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • anOrdType: Specifies the exact integer data type to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteLegacyString    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a legacy string (AnsiString or UTF8String) value.

procedure WriteLegacyString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ExtraAttributes: TParamAttributes; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ExtraAttributes: specified what string should be written (AnsiString or UTF8String)
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableBoolean    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableBoolean value.

procedure WriteNullableBoolean(const aName: string; aValue: NullableBoolean; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableCurrency    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableCurrency value.

procedure WriteNullableCurrency(const aName: string; aValue: NullableCurrency; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableDateTime    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableDateTime value.

procedure WriteNullableDateTime(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDateTime; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableDecimal    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableDecimal value.

procedure WriteNullableDecimal(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDecimal; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableDouble    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableDouble value.

procedure WriteNullableDouble(const aName: string; aValue: NullableDouble; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableGuid    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableGuid value.

procedure WriteNullableGuid(const aName: string; aValue: NullableGuid; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableInt64    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableInt64 value.

procedure WriteNullableInt64(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInt64; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteNullableInteger    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a NullableInteger value.

procedure WriteNullableInteger(const aName: string; aValue: NullableInteger; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • aValue: Value to write.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteStruct    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Struct value.

procedure WriteStruct(const aName: string; const Ref: ; aClass: TClass = nil; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • aClass: Class of the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteToStream    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes the content of the message to aStream.

procedure WriteToStream(Dest: TStream)


  • Dest: stream

WriteUnicodeString    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a WideString value.

procedure WriteUnicodeString(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteVariant    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a Variant value to the message.

procedure WriteVariant(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.

WriteXml    (declared in IROMessage)

Writes a XML value.

procedure WriteXml(const aName: string; const Ref: ; ArrayElementId: Integer = -1)


  • aName: Name of the object to write.
  • Ref: Points to the instance to serialize.
  • ArrayElementId: If the object to write is an array element, its index is contained in this parameter, otherwise it is -1.